Have I ever told I'm the one of insane races? I regret nothing. [hider=Pyria]Name:Pyria Age:50 Gender: Female Race: Dragon (Whelp) Race Overview: The race of the legends. Even though it is but a waning echo nowadays, few do question the threat a mature dragon would posess. With an armor all but the most wondrous weapons can cut, a breath that can fell armies and toughness and resilience that only grows with age, the ability to fly and keen intellect and senses, there are few things who could threaten a dragon one on one. However their solitary, territorial nature, unbridled arrogance and long maturing age requirements have made them lose ground steadily to lesser, more dinamic and numerous races. The threat of the undead in the Iron Coast has probably only added more foes to their sparse numbers. A dragon can't prey on the undead for profit, afterall. Titles: Child of the Flame Appearance: Pyria's true nature is that of a dragon whelp the size of a horse. With glistening red scales, and expressive golden eyes, it's less scary than actually endearing and cute, in a ugly reptilian way. She keeps a single magical manacle on her left forepaw, stating the name of her (eventual) master. She can also assume the appearance of a waifish 10 year old with red unkept hair, gold eyes which usually wears a single piece gray ragged dress and the same magical manacle on her left hand. She's fond of being barefooted in such form. Weapons: Pyria doesn't carry weapons on her own. She leaves all the work to her dragonling claws, jaws and still-maturing fire breath (who can sometimes misfire). Abilities: She can fly well, and rip and tear flesh with her jaws and claws. Her scales are sturdy enough to resist fire, small blades like daggers (but not swords and axes) and the most basic of attack spells. She can also ignite a rather decent firebreath if she focuses enough and doesn't panic. In her human form, she, well, can run, scream, and crawl into holes... Talents: She can stare into your soul with puppy eyes. She's also a good appraiser of the value of an item, and she seems to learn rather quickly when it comes to magic. She can speak dragon-y. She can also stay awake for days. Magic: As a dragon, she's an innate magical potential waiting to happen. Even just if she's harvested as spell component material. She has been taught one spell: The one to assume a non-threating human form in order to serve as a mageĀ“s familiar. She can also somewhat put up a deceptively sturdy magic barrier for a brief while. Backstory: Fifty years ago, when the undead plague scoured the Iron Coast, a battle was fought on the Saviour's pass. By mere fluke, the Imperial Magi happened to find a nesting female dragon in the eve of the battle. The worst case scenario did not come to be, as the dragon, far from being the oldest and mightiest of her race, acknowledged the threat of the Undead as something that not even her prowess could hope to defeat, and struck a deal with the lesser races of the empire. In return for her services, her clutch of eggs would be evacuated and nurtured in the Empire, for she wished them to live and not become the Necromancer's sacrifices. The eggs were taken by the retreating imperial forces, and the might of the she-dragon roared all over the battlefield, until the firepower of the undead forces managed to even fell her, her carcass hitting the ground after a long last stand that was never recorded in any book. Pyria was hatched from one of such eggs, and like her brethen, were raised by the Imperial Magi, and distributed among certain mages of respect as elite familiar companions. Pyria and her master soon jumped in the call for arms against the undead. Not only because the money and fame, which were the main reason of her master, but because she wanted to know where her true roots were. Unfortunately, said master perished all too soon in an undead raid, leaving the still young dragon stranded and lost, like a street orphan child of the human races. Starting Location: Actium[/hider]