[hider=Felicity Chase][center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Felicity Chase Appearance: [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/b99b5a0cbb8fe102c0d6dd787645f923/tumblr_mjur3fpLxU1rchyiio1_500.jpg[/img] With tangled dirty blonde hair, unevenly tanned skin and pale blue eyes heavily defined with smudged eye-makeup, Felicity looks like a typical ‘wild child’. Her main style of clothing includes some jeans, vest tops and flannel shirts. Felicity also wears an elastic band around her wrist for convenience. [b]Age:[/b] 17th November 1993 (22 years old) [b]Birthplace:[/b] Las Vegas, Nevada [b]Place(s) grown up:[/b] Vegas [b]Current job:[/b] Con-artist [b]Currently living in:[/b] America [b]Family history:[/b] Growing up in Sin City, Felicity never experienced what most normal children would have in their childhoods. Both her parents were problematic gamblers, her mother often having to resort to prostitution when the pair got into debt. Abuse and neglect was a daily occurrence at the Chase household, eventually leading to Felicity stealing her father’s [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4voqnnB9t78/maxresdefault.jpg]car[/url] and running away from home at the age of eighteen. Since then, she has never stuck around in one place for long. Whenever she runs out of money, she cons until she has enough money to last her another few months, before the whole process starts again in another place. [b]Relationship status:[/b] Single / bisexual [b]Skills:[/b] In order to try and save some money, Felicity trained herself in basic first aid training. While she isn’t the best, at least she can treat small wounds that she could potentially get - a handy skill in a survival situation. Felicity is also a very skilled liar, which she uses to her advantage while conning people. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Cynical, manipulative, and impatient [b]Fears:[/b] Felicity has a deep fear of rejection, stemming from years of neglect from her childhood, which is why she covers that fear with a sense of self-importance. This trait can potentially force people away from her before she can form an attachment, so she wouldn’t have to be rejected by them. [b]Biggest lifetime wish:[/b] Felicity hopes to settle down in one area and start up a café one day, to earn her money legitimately. [b]Biggest secret:[/b] During Felicity’s first few years being a con-artist, she slept with a businessman to strengthen their ‘relationship’, trying to seduce him out of his money. But just the act of sleeping someone to get their money reminded her of her mother, disgusting her and eventually she left the town without completing the job. Later, Felicity found out she was pregnant with his child. Thinking that this child could give her the motivation she needed to sort her life out, Felicity temporarily settled down in a remote town in the outskirts of Nevada. She worked as a bartender for almost a month, paying for her dirty one bedroom apartment as she passed through each day of her pregnancy with growing love for the child. However, after almost three months into her pregnancy, Felicity suffered through a miscarriage. The miscarriage shook her, causing her to run away and start conning again in a way to bury the feelings of guilt and grief deep inside her. Felicity has never slept with anyone since then. [b]Guilty pleasure:[/b] Watching really terrible reality soap dramas. [/center] [/hider]