[center] [b]Full Name: [/b]Ethan Warner [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8f/ff/17/8fff17e1d32444b7686e40619883e7e0.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24700000/Dr-Spencer-Reid-dr-spencer-reid-24791919-500-250.gif[/img][/center] [b]Extras needed:[/b] Ethan have glasses that he only needs occasionally when reading small texts and therefore have a habit of forgetting them. [b]Age + birthday:[/b] Ethan is 31 years old. His birthday is 27th of September [b]Birth Place:[/b] New York [b]Place/s grown up:[/b] New York [b]Living place now: [/b]He lives in a medium-sized villa in Manhattan, New York. He lives there together with his wife Sarah who's pregnant with their first child. [b]Current job: [/b]Lawyer [b]Family history: [/b]Ethan's mother, Emily Warner became CEO for a huge multinational pharmaceutical company at the young age of 28. She somehow managed to not only maintain the company's former high standard, but improve it. She didn't meet Ethan's father, DR Paul Hanks, until years later during a medical checkup where they bonded and three years later, Ethan was born. He was an only child, which suited him perfectly. He lived a pretty wealthy live and was surrounded by a community where image was everything. How others saw you, defined who you were. So Ethan decided to project perfection and the majority of his life decisions, including becoming a lawyer and staying in New York where his "image" already was established, has been dictated by that philosophy. [b]Relationship status + Sexuality: [/b]Married. Bisexual. [b]Skills:[/b] Ethan's profession makes him good at reading people and finding their "tells". This also means he himself have to be unreadable, which he can be under most circumstances. Lying and acting is two other skills he is somewhat good at thanks to his chosen lifestyle. [b]Weaknesses + Fears:[/b] Ethan has always had the need to control the situations he's in, and so, when things don't go the way he planned, he has a hard time staying calm. That's why he's so afraid for a day when the false perfect life he's portraying comes crashing down and others would find out about his dark secret. But just because some aspects of his life are not as perfect as he makes them out to be, doesn't mean they are not real. His love for the ones close to him, like his wife Sarah and their baby on the way makes him vulnerable since those feelings can be used against him. He also have doubts about his ability to be a father and the shame of the secret he's keeping feeds that fear. [b]Biggest lifetime wish: [/b]Since Ethan was seven years old, he wanted to be a dancer, but since that wasn't a "real career", his mother didn't allow him to take classes and since then, that dream have merely been an annoying urge that he sometimes have to push away when it occasionally comes to the surface. [b]Baddest secret:[/b] Ethan is not living the perfect life that others see when they look at him. He's having a secret, passionate affair with Landon, a lover and ex-boyfriend who, to Ethan's despair, have a control over him that he just can't shake off no matter how hard he tries. And he have tried, but somehow Landon always finds a way to become part of his life again. He is the only one who have seen Ethan without all the acting which scares him. [b]Guilty Pleasure:[/b] Celebrity gossip and all kinds of Musicals. [/center]