[hider=Jedi Knight: Saasa Telio] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Kw1bMIg.jpg[/img] Name: Saasa Telio Species: Togruta Age: 24 Gender: Female Rank: Jedi Knight Appearance: Saasa Telio at 1.8 meters tall. She has an athletic build and some definition. Her skin color is lavender and her white pigmentation can be seen in the form of stripes on her arms and torso, but the rest is on her face in a circular form. Her montrals are more smoothed and curved rather than the regular pointed fashion. The color of her montrals are white and blue, plus she has four instead of three. Lastly, she has no scars or blemishes, and has light brown eyes. Personality: Saasa Telio is a very friendly person. She was raised in a family oriented atmosphere, so being kind to others comes natural to her, even if they don't deserve it. Her group oriented thinking style makes her a perfect leader and support. She is known fr begin able to reach an end goal with little casualties. She has two philosophies: no man left behind, and plan with the end in mind. Outside of combat she can be seen smiling and talking to everyone. A ray of sunshine, and am optimist in any situations, Saasa is that friend you talk to when you need a pick-me up. Her group mentality helps in situations where compromise is the only option. She is not an enemy to fighting, but diplomacy is always an option to her. Despite her friendly nature, when the sabers are drawn, and the blasters are firing she becomes a fierce combatant. Her playfully aggressive side starts to show through and she becomes a huntress kn the battle field. Often acting only in the interest of her group, truing serious combat into some kind of game. She was often scolded for this kind of behavior, her masters saying she was either never serious enough or to aggressive with her opponents. Her attitude has made her fine tuned for one-on-one combat, while group fights she plays the support role. Abilities: Jedi Knight Telio was trajned to be a Jedi Guardian. She is a saberist at heart, trained more in the body than with the force. She dual wields two green lightsabers, one Shoto and a regular lightsaber. She is well versed in most of the lightsaber forms but the ones she uses the most are Form II, V, and VI, simply because those were the ones most practiced by her masters. Her proficiency in lightsaber has left her force abilities in the dust. She has the basics down, like force jump, and telekinesis, but only enough to help her in combat. She is trying to improve her force skills, but has always had a problem making the connection. [hider=Lightsabers] [img]http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h344/Ghost590/Ascend/AscendStuntFinal.jpg[/img] Green Crystal [/hider] Bio: Saasa Telio was born on her homeworld Shili. Both her parents were simple farmers, and as an infant the doctors identified her as Force-sensitive. She was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant at the age 2, Telio entered into the academy there and spent the next decade studying the ways of the Force and the Jedi Code. She always had an authority problem, never being one for tradition and always trying to find new ways to do things. After graduating from the academy at the age of 12, Telio was selected as a Padawan by a Jedi Master Mateu R'athr and traveled the galaxy to complete her training. Her master was a very unorthodox man. Always having a method to his madness, he was a man of the saber and passed all his teachings and techniques down to Telio. After passing her Trials of Knighthood Telio was raised to the rank of Jedi Knight by the Jedi High Council, at the age of 19. She did not stop there, serving under Jedi Master Agen Kolar, she helped with many different battles and furthered her training as a Guardian. It was Master Kolar that taught her how to fight even better than she knew before and gave her the experience she needed to be an effective leader. She has never taken a an apprentice simply because she feels like her skills are not yet good enough to train another. When she was 22 the tension between the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic was growing. She was not apart of the the conflict on Geonosis in the arena, but did play a part in the overall battle, fighting along side Master Kolar. She then spent the next few months serving the Order, and making a name for herself. Now the council has sent her to replace the late Jedi Knight Vail Lencer as the Jedi General of the 417th Legion. [/hider]