[center][h3][color=darkslategray]Luca Warren - Raven Queen's Attendant[/color][/h3] Location: The Streets of Actium[/center] Looking up into the sky, Luca smiled softly at the gathering clouds. He loved a good storm, and this one was promising to be powerful. The strong winds blew his hair back from his face and made the corners of his cloak snap like a flag on high. Thick and warm, the gray cloak had a mantle of pitch-black feathers that covered the hood and surrounded the cleric's shoulders. These feathers shifted in the wind, lifting a little with each gust. Snow stood behind him, reins in his hand while he leaned against her warm flank. The mare pawed at the ground restlessly, mane and tail flowing in the wind. [color=silver]"Relax, Snow. We will find some shelter soon. I happen to enjoy this weather, so you're just going to have to deal with it a little longer,"[/color] Luca said, lifting one hand to pat Snow's neck. She did not respond to his words, but his touched calmed the horse and she lowered her head to pull at the sparse grass growing up between two stones of the paved streets. The two stood near the center of Actium, at one edge of a market square. He had a no particular plans at the moment nor an inn in mind to spend the evening, but there was still plenty of time to work that out. For now, he was more than content to watch the storm roll in. The Summer air had taken on a bit of a chill, but it could not pierce his cloak. Deciding that his horse had the right idea in getting something to eat, Luca starts towards a wooden stall at a slow walk. Snow's hooves clatter on the paving stones, and his staff adds an additional percussion to the noise. The polished wood was cool and smooth against his hand, and he used it as any might use a walking stave. Hawking her wares, the vendor offered fist-sized meat pies and other pastry buns. Reaching into the folds of his robes, Luca produces a small palm-full of coins and a square of white cloth. [color=silver]"Four, please,"[/color] he says to the older woman on the other side of the stall. [color=silver]"Any will do, as long as they are warm."[/color] "That's coin enough for six," the woman says, busying her hands under the counter. From an insulated storage she retrieves the requested food and places it on the cloth. Luca folds the kerchief around them, but not before removing one. The bundle is pleasantly warm as he slips it into his robes, and he makes no move to reclaim any of his money. [color=silver]"Then take two for yourself, if you feel you must, or find someone who needs them more. I need only four,"[/color] Luca explains nonchalantly before biting into the bun in his hand. Humming with satisfaction, he raises his other hand in farewell to the woman before turning on his heel and starting away. There was an inn across the square, and he needed to secure lodgings for himself and his horse for the night.