[b][u]Occus' Fae[/u][/b] [hider=Khulekani] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]"DECEASED"[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b6/78/6d/b6786dcec536181b29fbc8d51103cc01.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f6989d]Name[/color]: Khulekani [color=f6989d]Gender[/color]: Female [color=f6989d]Personality[/color]: Kani is fearless, plunging into the depths of the unknown and charging forth into conflict with confidence and an aura of courage and valor. She is devious and resourceful, her frightening intelligence pulling solutions to problems and spinning webs of manipulation far and wide. She isn't as unshakable as she appears though, she worries about her people, the future, mere conversation is enough to plant a seed of anxiety in her. Her fierce loyalty and drive for power has marked her path, and little can stand in her way. [color=f6989d]Weapon(s)[/color]: Magic: Armed with the gifts of Occus, Kani has grown her magic to be a powerful tool. No field of study is too obscure, or too difficult for her. Sixth Sense: Her long years of practicing witchcraft has made her sensitive to it's use. She can sense the supernatural in all it's forms, and can even find nearby immortals. Bound Soul: Selling her soul to Occus was the best decision of her life. She has grown in power, lived a longer life, retained her youth, and for little cost at all. Her loyalty to him is absolute, even if she decided to turn on him she would be unable to do so. Portal to the Homeland: Occus has claimed the former Greek realm of Hyperborea for his own. The new realm of Wickedeisos, like any realm beyond the mortal world, requires immense power to reach. Kani can craft a portal to the realm to escape danger or seek audience with her god if she wishes. Harpe: Under Occus' command, Kani and her brethren invaded the various underworlds of the Pantheons. In Hades' realm Kani tricked the location of the sword Harpe from the fallen hero Perseus. The blade now belongs to her. [color=f6989d]History[/color]: Kani's family was traditionally Zulu, as such she grew up in a village in South Africa learning the ways of her people. She was never destined for a role as a healer, or a role as a practitioner of any kind, but Kani was interested and ambitious. She tried a few self-taught rituals, attracting the attention of the still-young god Occus. He offered her power in exchange for her soul, and at first she refused, but it was not long before she prayed to him for a second chance to accept. She would steadily grow in power, rising to dominate the local area's Fae and magical populations. It was her skill and prowess, not to mention her age given that she was the fourth oldest of Occus' followers, that drew her god's attention to her. She was made a General of his forces during the War of Immortals, and led the Fae into battle to slay Anubis and aid in the defeat of various cthonic deities. [color=f6989d]Other[/color]: Kani is now the oldest of Occus' servants, and his most powerful. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Scott Rutherford] [center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/fe02/f/2015/299/c/4/acs___jacob_frye_cosplay_close_up_by_rbf_productions_nl-d9eh0oy.jpg[/img][/center] [color=c4df9b]Name[/color]: Scott Rutherford [color=c4df9b]Gender[/color]: Male [color=c4df9b]Personality[/color]: Scott is the definition of curious. He seeks mystery and sheds a light on the unknown. His plans never pan out, always getting him into trouble, but his general friendliness has made him many allies in quite a few places. He mostly relies on his luck to get him out of tough situations though, but he has slowly been gaining more confidence and skill to fix the problems of his own making. [color=c4df9b]Weapon(s)[/color]: Fel Warlock: Dangerous spells of dark magic and destructive power come easily to him, but he is capable of casting beyond his talents. Pledged Essence: Scott made a deal with Occus, his soul belongs to the Bloodforger. His very being has been enhanced with gifts of supernatural quality. Seer of Things: Scott can sense and see magics unseen by mere mortal eyes. [color=c4df9b]History[/color]: Scott started out as a simple gamer and avid reader, until he met Victoria. The woman was anything but normal, but it wasn't until he stumbled in on her meeting with the local Fae while trying to win her heart that he noticed. It was at that point that he became introduced to the world of witchcraft and discovered quite a few of his friends were in fact part of the local coven. His deal with Occus was swiftly made and he never looked back. His family back in New Orleans are still looking for him, but Scott never bothered to return to the States. Instead he's found his own little niche as a Warlock in Europe. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Hannah Lane] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]"DECEASED"[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/89fa/f/2011/364/6/d/naga_by_armandeo64-d4kskcd.jpg[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Name[/color]: Hannah Lane [color=7bcdc8]Gender[/color]: Female [color=7bcdc8]Personality[/color]: Hannah is usually quite relaxed and cheerful, quick to laugh and play games. She genuinely worries about her friends and family, and even for random people on the street. Her unusual kindness and generosity is unmatched among her peers. She fears being a disappointment, and hates the idea that others judge her. She has a quiet strength within her though, and will do anything to achieve her goals, which are usually to help people. [color=7bcdc8]Weapon(s)[/color]: Wicked Toxic: Her breath, teeth, and claws are poisonous, and she can use this power of venom as a cure for most dangerous toxins. Tide-Singer: The sea is her home, fear the reaching grasp of the ocean, for it will eagerly answer it's mistress. Monstrous Shell: Hannah is capable of shapeshifting to the true appearance of her ancestors. This large frightening form is capable of crushing enemies in tight coils and traversing bodies of water quickly. [color=7bcdc8]History[/color]: Hannah studied to become a doctor as soon as she was out of school, it was during this time of university life that she briefly fell in with a group of DnD players, one of which was a legitimate witch, though none knew it. This witch was indebted to Hannah when the girl saved her life after a Hunter fatally wounded her, the event introduced Hannah to the world of the supernatural. Soon, with the witch's help, she called upon Occus to make a deal. Using her powers she became one of the best post-War healers, and joined MSF to help more people across the world. [color=7bcdc8]Other[/color]: Hannah is a Naga, a snake-like Fae bound to the sea. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Jakob Frisk] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/9e/2b/fb/9e2bfbeb6868fa113435ba4b959c39ac.jpg[/img][/center] [color=9e0039]Name[/color]: Jacob Frisk [color=9e0039]Gender[/color]: Male [color=9e0039]Personality[/color]: Curious, Jakob tends to explore everything, collecting random bits of knowledge from all subjects. He is driven and resourceful, making finding what he seeks easy. Sometimes, when put under pressure or strain, he becomes rebellious and doesn't do as he knows he should. He has a good heart, however, and will attempt to stick to the moral side of things. [color=9e0039]Weapon(s)[/color]: None. [color=9e0039]History[/color]: Jakob was born in Germany and frequently spends his time out and around the city, a large sum of that time being spent in libraries, and the rest being spent among his friends at parks and the like. One of his more adventurous outings involved sneaking into the club Veroxese where he found a man with glowing purple eyes who vanished into tiny spots of light before his eyes. Since then Jakob has begun spending more and more time looking for the supernatural, and mythology and folklore in general. He is on the trail of what he believes is a real witch in Norway, but as he is young still and lives with his parents he can't just up and take a trip to Norway for a maybe. He has convinced them to go up there with him though, he simply needs to find a way to sneak of close enough to the forest he believes the witch is hiding in. [color=9e0039]Other[/color]: The witch Jakob is looking for is actually Scott Rutherford, a Warlock of the Fae working with Belle. Jakob is mortal and largely clueless still. [/hider]