[center][h1][color=ed1c24]"DECEASED"[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/9e/55/dc9e553d68db20f70b93003cc36708a2.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f26522]Name[/color]: Vitovlad [color=f26522]Gender[/color]: Male [color=f26522]Godly Parents[/color]: Eris, Kresnik [color=f26522]Sphere of Control[/color]: Fire, Strife, Compulsion, Storms [color=f26522]Personality[/color]: Ambitious, rebellious, and adventurous, there is no plan too crazy for Vito. His intelligence and determination often mean his crazy plots are successful. However, his friendliness always seems to mask the danger of his quick words. [color=f26522]Sacred Animal[/color]: Horses [color=f26522]Powers[/color]: Fire-Bender: Flames heed his beckoning, lashing out at his command. Storm-Caller: The heavens shake and the fury of electricity strikes out at his foes. Silver-Tongue: Everything is a good idea when suggested by Vito. Swaying others to his point of view is so easy it's unconscious. [color=f26522]Weapon(s)[/color]: Flamestriker: A weapon of ever-burning metal, the blade can morph into a bow on a whim. [color=f26522]History[/color]: Though no one is sure of the fact, the rebellion's success is almost solely because of Vito. It was his idea, a fact not even he is aware of, and it is by his mouth that others were swayed to war. Of course his words were not the only thing he brought to the table, his might slew even mighty Zeus, and many of the Olympians fell at his hands. Hera, Ares, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Poseidon numbered his Greek victims. Ra, Osiris, and Sobek fell in the Egyptian theatre of war. And his father, Kresnik, as well as Perun and Mokosh, from his paternal Pantheon were his only other kills. [color=f26522]Other[/color]: His Sphere as a god of compulsion is hidden even from himself, he is seen as only charismatic and logical in regards to his successful persuasive abilities.