The dark chuckle that came from Billie was enough to not only pull Jackie's attention to her but Logan and other vampires as well. Logan had only heard her give that laugh twice before and normally it wasn't followed by something good. Jackie frowned at her words. "I'm far smarter than you demon slut." She growled as she watched Billie walk over and grab some random demon by the head and drag him along with her between them. She had no clue what Billie was actually doing to the demon. Logan however, could get the jest of it. The weird way that Adrian moved with her and the empty look in his. It was clear that whatever Billie did, gave her control over the demon. Despite the fact that he was a little worried at the moment for his own well being, just for the fact of being there. He couldn't help the fact that seeing Billie take control of someone or be dominate, it always turned him on a little bit. Something about the way she looked when her was in control, it made him want her ten times more. The fact the Jackie backed up a little so that she was almost beside him, snapped him back from his thoughts. Jackie looked a little surprised, if not afraid when Billie moved so close to her a Logan. The vampire crowd around them tensed at the action as well, but rather than hide behind them. She moved back towards Logan, almost hiding behind him but not quite. Logan frowned looking out the corner of the eyes at Jackie, but said nothing. A small smirk on his face as the demon was forced on his knees. Jackie took a small step away from Logan when she came to a stop. She let out a snort as Billie said she was going to give him over. "Bullshit Billie, I'm not as stupid as you seem to think. We all know you're demons don't do anything without you fucking knowing about it." She argued, though the topic of Devin attacking the Fae stopped her in her tracks, and she sighed. Still she said nothing, and she didn't even really seem to truly care. Logan watched Jackie and as Billie walked away he spoke up. "We are all relieved to hear the Fae is alright." He said for the vampires. Jackie turned and looked at Logan as the demons cleared out, her hand went up and slapped him roughing across the face. "Why the hell didn't you help me! You barely said a damn word while she was talking to me like that!" Jackie yelled at him. Logan simply opened his eyes slowly glaring at her for a moment before speaking. "I'm not going to help you fuck everything up Jacqueline. I'm not going to help you screw things up worse!' He said harshly ignoring the fact the group of vampires were still gathered around them watching their fight. Jackie hissed at him slapping him again. "I hope that you can find somewhere else to sleep tonight! Because you sure as hell aren't sleeping in our dorm tonight!" She yelled at him before giving a dirty look as Logan laughed in her face. "That's right Jackie, I won't be sleeping in our dorm tonight, but it isn't our dorm anymore. I've been moving my stuff out durning lunch, I'm going to be sharing a dorm with my sister now." He informed her, tone only getting harsher as he went on. Jackie's eyes widened and her muttered out the word. "What?" And Logan gave a small dark smile. "I've had enough of the shit you pulled this morning. It's fucking over Jackie, I'm through with you." Jackie looked at the others watching them, if there was something more embarrassing than having fight in front of the others, being broken up with would be it. "Now dare you! Without me you are a worthless excuse of a vampire!" She yelled once again slapping him in the face, but this time he grabbed a hold of her wrist tightly and forced her back against the wall. "You only get three Jackie. Hit me one more time and I will put you through the wall." Logan whispered softly and darkly in her ear before backing away and looking at the others. "Just so all you know, if any of you even think I'm giving up my place as leader because this, try me. I'll remind you where you stand." With that he turned and started to walk down the hall. Although he heard footsteps following him as soon as he started walking, Zach and Rose catching up to him, he glanced over without saying anything. It was a moment before Zach spoke. "You know that no one is stupid enough to even try to take your place." He said rather matter of factly and Logan nodded his head. "I'm aware that no one in their right mind would, but Jackie is tricky. She can make you do things for her before you think twice." He sighed glancing over at Rose his eyes roaming over her for a moment before shaking his head. Damn Billie for her little show, it got him all worked up. The smell of Clary's perfume and he came to a stop, Zach and Rose stopping as well. "Why don't you guys go ahead and head to class, I'll be busy getting the rest of my stuff anyway." He told them and as they walked away Logan's eyes watched Rose walk away, part of him wondering if she was easy, while the other part of him was annoyed. She wasn't the one he wanted. Logan turned and started walking again before Clary showed up and he felt her hand gently rub his arm as she spoke, Logan let out a slow sad sigh before shaking his head. "No sis. I'm the farthest thing from okay. It's not even the end of the first day and the feud with the demons is starting back up and there could be a feud starting with the UnSeelie now." He vented to her before pinching the bridge of his nose. "I wish I had waited until tonight to break up with Jackie, at least I would have gotten laid." He looked over at Clary as she said that Billie wasn't lying, and gave a small smile at the news. "I'm glad to hear that, I was going to try and check on Jo after classes. I figured Alex would be okay, I saw after the last time, it was worse than this. How is B? I mean other than the shit that just happened." He asked. Logan came to a stop as Clary stopped in front of him grabbing his arms. From the way she said to close his eyes, he had a feeling he wouldn't like what she was about to do. With a frown he took a calming breath and closed his eyes, but other then a little out of focus he felt no different, and he was half tempted to ask what she was doing. The voice of Harlow stopped, and he listened to him and the Arch Mage talk. So he wasn't the only one that saw the danger the feud could cause. Though until now he hadn't thought of the fact it would start a war, but it made sense, the Seelie would likely get involved as well.....which oddly was a little reassuring. When Clary spoke again Logan slowly peeked an eye open before he opened the other and looked at her and sighed again. "No at least not with the feud thing. If you have time to grab one of the three boxes I have left to move, that would be helpful. If not that's fine." He answered. "Its just my clothes.....or well pants and the few shirts Billie hasn't stolen." He added smiling a little at the thought. Rather Clary helped him or not, the last few boxes were quick to move and Logan laid back on his new bed and smiled. "This is going to be nice." Logan said looking up at the ceiling. "I wish I would have moved in with you before. At least I know you won't get pissed and lock me out." He added with a laugh before sitting up and looking at the boxes before pulling one over to unpack as someone knocked on the door. With a smile he got up and answered the door, his smile fading for a second as he saw Billie and Cole, but then it was back, he moved away from door. Moving his shelf from his desk chair to the dresser and moving it from the neatly stacked boxes in front of his desk and out into the middle of the room for Cole. Logan walked over to his bed and motioned for Billie to sit by him, giving her a questioning look. Even though he wasn't at fault for what happened he still wanted to make sure she wasn't mad at him. "So what class do you guys have next?" He asked clearly trying to keep the subject off the fight. -- Molly a long with the others watched the fight the best she could before Harlow pulled his demons away and Ravenswood pulled away her vampires. It was really a shame too, because this little fight was an exciting one. It was so close ending in the new demons getting seriously hurt too. Not to motion that watching this was fun enough to make her less angry about missing Adrian playing with Logan. However, she didn't expect things to happen the way they worked out though. With Billie taking over Adrian's body and forcing him to his knees. She couldn't help but smile a little though at the sight and how fun doing something like that could be. Once everything was done and over the Arch Mage took Adrian and Molly sighed and headed to her dorm, she wanted to get the books from her first three classes out of her bag instead of carrying them around with her while tutoring the new years in the history of witchcraft. With sigh she headed back out taking her hair down and running her fingers through as she walked, though as her eyes caught sight of Drake and his little friend she smiled walking towards them. "Hello Drakon." She greeted still playing with her hair, she didn't know his little friend. "So a quick question cutie. Have you seen my new little friend from ALD? His names..." She started to ask before seeing Adrian come out of the closet, literally. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment before looking back Drakon. "Oh never mind." She said smiling a little before walking around the seers and catching up to Adrian. For a moment she walked waiting beside him, she wasn't a fool, she could tell he was angry, but once they were alone she spoke. "Well..that was a shitty plan. Unless you planed to get yourself kicked out of the demon circle all together. I really hope your next plan isn't as moronic." She said looking up at him, before smiling to herself. Seeing his eyes slit pushed a bit of the urge that she had in history hit her, and she spoke again. "I can get her to do anything for me." She repeated what he had told her last, her tone mocking before she scoffed eyes watching his reaction. "You know when I met you, I thought how can he be left when I'm right. But now I'm starting to wonder if you are left and not another lackie. As I'm starter and stronger than you." She smiled looking but at him, seeing she was pissing him off. "I was even for a moment thinking you would make a good toy. But maybe both me and Azrael should do like Billie. Go see if we can get ahold of Logan." She whispered pausing for a second before adding in something she knew would get the outcome she wanted. "I bet he's more of a man than you smarts wise and bedroom wise. You probably wouldn't even know what to do with me if I was your toy." She said starting to walk away.