Lennox and Rosalia were fairly quiet as they followed Sayuri along, although their moods were evident in their faces. Rosalia was smiling, easily much more excited then the male walking beside her as they followed their appointed leader. Lennos on the other hand was rather indifferent regarding the whole thing. Cocky as it may have seemed, he hadn't once doubted that he would pass and make a team. However, right now, finding his room, following this girl he needed to get information from, doing it all. It didn't feel right. Not when he had his own agenda to try and get done. [color=blue]"Well isn't this just dandy."[/color] Lennox said calmly with a small yawn as he entered the room. [color=blue]"Never been in a room this big before. Pretty cushy place."[/color] He remarked as he jumped onto one of the beds. [color=blue]"Mine."[/color] He called dibs. [color=purple]"It's nice alright."[/color] Rosalia smiled brightly. [color=purple]"Though, despite the spacious appearance, we should probably arrange it so to give us the most room to do as we please. Any thoughts on how to move stuff around Sayuri? Lennox? Varg?"[/color] [color=blue]"I got nothin... But hey... Why not wait until after classes tomorrow?"[/color] He asked, though typically he was the type to get things done sooner than later if he could. Today was just a special time he felt like relaxing after a job done moderately well.