[center][h1]Pokemon Mystery Dungeons: Stargate {GM}[/h1] AbysmalDemon [h1]{Co-GM}[/h1] None [h1]Plots[/h1] [h2]Main Character Plot[/h2] There will be a max of three main characters. It will not be first come first serve, I will instead judge if you should be one of the main characters by looking at the quality of your CS. The Stargate, is what they call it. A place between dreams and reality. It was a once active hotspot of energy, causing strange rifts to appear in the sky. The rifts were slowly shattering the Pokemon world, and the Stargate had to be closed down. A team was sent out there to stop it, one of them, sacrificing it's life to do it. The Stargate was dormant from then on, not harming anyone, or anything. Until now... It was a dream you had each night for a month. It was a large, blue circle. It rippled, like a when a stone dropped in the water. It was calm, peaceful, reflecting many different color blues of of it. What was it? Who knew? The dreams would go through the whole night, until you woke up. Except this time. You wouldn't wake up. The ripples got more violent each time you tried to snap awake, and when you did, you were cold, barely conscious, the icy feeling of death, on the back of your neck. For the brief moment you could look around, you saw to others in the same state as you, and three walking towards you. You tried to stand up, but couldn't. You tried to talk, but couldn't. It's like it sucked all the energy from you. The last thing you remembered before you blacked out, was a pair of Pink feet shuffling toward you. [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/5b4e/i/2013/316/2/7/fatecraft_rural_town_tile_by_tyleredlinart-d6tzirg.jpg[/img] When you awoke again, you were in a medical tavern, or that's what it seemed to be. You noticed the other two you saw before in beds next to you. You noticed they were, they were, Pokemon! And so were you! This couldn't b e happening, it was all just part of the dream. But you knew, in the back of your mind, this was reality. Medburn, the town you awoke in, was a quaint place. Many welcomed you, while others eyed you suspiciously. You hear people whispering, something about Mystery Dungeons, and something called the Stargate. Then more people grew comfortable around you, and started to tell you what they were trying to keep secret before. About how you came out of the Stargate, and what it was. How it was a Mystery Dungeon, and many of the other Mystery Dungeons, may have something to do with it. So you decide to go along with an expedition team, to find out what happened. But your not the only one trying to find out. Evil forces are trying to stop you from knowing, and will do anything to. What will you discover? What truths will you reveal, and what lies will you prove wrong? What is your purpose here? What is the true meaning of the Stargate? You'll find out, in, The Mystery Dungeons. [hider=Main Character CS] Level: (There is a maximum of five, but if you wish it to be less, be my guest.) Ability: (Make sure they are actually entitled to that ability. For more info, check 'references') Moveset: (Have their Moveset coordinate with their level. For more info, check 'references'.) Nature: (If your unsure what this is, check 'references'. Try to have your nature coordinate with your personality.) Personality: (At least two detailed paragraphs.) History: (At least three detailed paragraphs. Talk about how their life was like before the were sent through the Stargate, and what it has been like since then.) [/hider] [h2]Character Plot[/h2] There can be as many main characters as you want. If you want to get in you can, as long as your CS meets the criteria. In the town of Medburn in which you live, you've been hearing rumors. Rumors that the Stargate has been reopened, and that three Pokemon have come out of it. The Pokemon now reside in Medburn, and are going to find the truth about themselves, and attempt to get themselves home, closing the Stargate in the process. It is essential that these Pokemon get back to their home, as that is the only way for the Stargate to be closed. But they aren't the only ones trying to get there. Someone else is headed for the Stargate, trying to stop them in the process, and simultaneously terrorizing Medburn, in an attempt to get rid of anyone that can help the three Pokemon. Will you go and help the Pokemon yourselves, traveling through mystery dungeons, fighting off Pokemon, and closing the Stargate, or will you stay behind in Medburn and protect those who are unable to travel, againts the opposing forces? [hider=Character CS] Level: (Maximum of thirty. Please make your level coordinate with the Pokemon that you have. For more info check 'references'.) Ability: (Make sure they are actually entitled to that ability. For more info, check 'references'.) Moveset: (Have their Moveset coordinate with their level. For more info, check 'references'c) Nature: (If you are unsure what this is, check 'references'. Have their Nature coordinate with their personality.) Personality: (At least two detailed paragraphs.) History: (At least three detailed paragraphs. Talk about what happened when the Stargate was opened the first time (if they are old enough to remember it) and what their life has been like since.)[/hider] [h2]Antagonist Plot[/h2] I will accept five people for the antagonists, and if there are to many people wanting to apply for the spot, I will again decide based on your CS. The CS format for this, as well as additional info, will be done through PM. All you care about is the bosses, orders, and well, yes, the money too. Whether you come from a poor family looking to make money to support them, or you believe retrieving what's lost in the Stargate will make you powerful, you are all bent on stopping the town of Medburn, terrorizing it, and getting to the Stargate first, as long as you get paid and become powerful. *PM for the CS and info on the plot* [h2]Medburn Exploration Guild[/h2] The Medburn Exploration Guild, is what you'd expect from any Guild. There are two options. If you choose the Character plot, your Character can be a member of the guild. Think of the members as employees. They work there, accept team requests, get Explorstion Teams papers in order, everything like that. If you are a Character or a Main Character, later in the RP, you can start an Exploration Team, which will be mandatory for Main Characters, but optional for the Characters, as they can also choose to defend Medburn. Also, instead of going through the process of making a team, you can join a Pre-Existing one, as long as you meet their requirements. Explorstion Teams Explore the mystery dungeons, and complete activities such as rescue missions, finding lost items, etc. [hider=Existing Teams][/hider] [hider=Guild Members][/hider] [h2]Leveling Up![/h2] We will be using an honor system to level up. Remember that the higher level you are, the longer it'll take for you to level up. All I ask from you is to not level up crazy fast, and we'll all be good. [h2]Dungeon Info[/h2] [b]Dungeon Levels[/b] 1 - Beginner: Easy, Not very challenging, Smooth Terrain 2 - Intermediate: Easy, Slightly challenging, Rougher Terrain 3 - Peppered: Hard, Challenging, Rough Terrain 4 - Seasoned: Hard, Very Challenging, Very Rough Terrain 5 - Expert: Very Hard, Extremely Challenging, Extremely Rough Terrain 6 - Champion: Extremely Hard, Immensely Challenging, Extremely/Immensely Rough Terrain [b]Dungeon List[/b] [hider=Quake Path] [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/289f/i/2012/309/e/3/rocky_lake_by_natmonney-d5k276n.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 1 Caused by many earthquakes, powered by the energy blasts from the first opening of the Stargate. The rocky terrain is easily traversable, and will require less skill.[/hider] [hider=Phosphor Forest] [img]http://imagination.ws/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Fantasy-dark-forest-with-green-glowing-mushrooms.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 2 The canopy is so thick and overgrown in the forest, that the only source of light in it, are the Phosphorous Plants. While they shine bright with radiance, the forest is still dark, and it is hard to make out where you are going sometimes.[/hider] [hider=Aether Islands][img]http://img06.deviantart.net/6b40/i/2013/210/d/3/floating_islands_by_sebastianwagner-d606krh.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 4 A huge rift in the ocean, caused the Gravitational Field of this area to ripple, causing many of the Islands in the Ocean to Float. These are hard to get to, and hard to traverse. It is recommended for only the most seasoned Pokemon.[/hider] [hider=River Plateau] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/1a12/f/2010/024/6/a/lost_world___plateau_by_ljht.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 3 Many years of earthquakes, weathering, and erosion, turned this once vast sea, into a set of river Plateaus. While the hike up one is easy, it is difficult to get to each one, without having to go back down.[/hider] [hider=Crystal Cavern] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/2ca7/f/2013/020/5/7/crystal_cavern_by_tyvik-d5s3n07.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 5 As you begin, it is a relatively easy dungeon. But as you progress farther, the crystals are on every wall, giving of a reflection of everything, making it hard to get through. A Pokemon with [b]Keen Eye[/b] will be useful.[/hider] [hider=Frost Cavern] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/fb45/i/2011/356/8/7/snowy_wasteland_by_jonafunart-d4jwoyp.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 3 A cavern that leads up to the Summit of Mt. Frost. The icy cold -30 degrees Fahrenheit can make a Pokemon suffer in the dungeon. A [b]Fire Type[/b] Pokemon is recommended.[/hider] [hider=Oasis Wasteland] [img]http://s5.postimg.org/qdkflhlzr/Slea_Concept_Art_03_Urroal.jpg[/img] Difficulty Level: 3 Vast wastelands that stretch for miles wide. The Energy Blasts heated up water, causing oasis' to form, and mist, making it harder to see. A Pokemon with [b]Gust[/b] will be good at clearing some of the mist.[/hider] [hider=Winding Plains] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eH55kr7bny4/UGGzWNnY4qI/AAAAAAAAAB0/g0HyYQj-5jE/s1600/Gaur+Plains.png[/img] Difficulty Level: 2 Some of the pathways are narrow, and winding, and some Pokemon, will not be able to fit on the smaller ones. Below them, are honed rocks, implying immediate death to those who fall.[/hider] [hr] EXP System: Leveling up will be based on an honor system. I trust that you will use this, well... Honorably. [hr] [b]Rules[/b] - Posts should be 3-4 paragraphs long - My decision is final. If you feel differently about my decision, shoot me up a PM and w can talk about it. - No Godmodding - No Powerplaying - Respect everyone in the OOC. In the IC you can hate each other as much as you want, but keep the hate in the IC. I'm ok with cussing, but keep the 'stronger' words out of this RP - Standard Guild rules apply And most importantly, have fun![/center]