Boom. I hate how long this took. [hider=Tetsuba Zaisette][center][i]"A heartbeat is the body's most monotonous chore, essential though it may be."[/i] [b][u]Appearance bio:[/u][/b] [b]Height:[/b] 5'8'' [b]Weight:[/b] 155 lbs [b]Skin:[/b] Very pale white. [b]Hair:[/b] White, reflective, and messy. His bangs are parted above his right eye, and held behind his ears, with several strands standing rigidly on end, and moving freely with his head. The rest of his hair is tied back into a short pony-tail, severe just below his shoulders. [b]Body details:[/b] Medium build, top-heavy, but not very muscular overall. Somewhat lanky. [b]Facial Details:[/b] Sharp features. Very small nose, thin lips, droopy eyes. His jawline is very fine, and pointed at every angle. Short face, long neck. [b]Clothing:[/b] Wears a white set of pants with his family crest embroidered on either thigh, and an iron crotch-guard. Typically bare-footed. Owns sandals that he prefers to carry on a rope around his neck rather than wear. Usually shirtless, will wear whatever is accessible in cold weather. Personnel files. Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance. [b]【Full Name】[/b] Tetsuba Zaisette [b]【Alias】[/b] Zay, or Za-se [b]【Affiliation】[/b] Undecided [b]【Age】[/b] 21 [b]【Sex】[/b] Male [b]【Sexuality】[/b] Asexual / Hetero-romantic [b]【Birthplace】[/b] Iwagakure [b]【Bloodline】[/b] The Tetsuba are practically extinct, and have no significant reputation outside of Iwagakure, where their 'silvered' hair has become a fleeting sign of bad luck. [b]【Rank】[/b] Chūnin Psych. report. Medical secrecy applies. [b]【Personality】[/b] In a word? Lazy. His lack of dedication, and methodical lifestyle is simply a byproduct of his mental lethargy. Zay is capable- Far more capable than most would like to admit, but his motivation does not match his potential. When speaking on his terms, rested and free of responsibility, Zay's speech is refined, polite, and he is very attentive to detail. In most cases however, Zay does not consider himself very 'rested' and acts completely aloof, purposely insulting the intelligence of others, and showing minimal interest in serious discussion. His attitude often causes conflict between him and his peers, making his life even harder than he already perceives it, and perpetually forcing himself into a downward spiral. That being said, Zay perceives life itself as less than noteworthy, quoted as claiming the human heartbeat to be 'The body's most monotonous chore' on more than one occasion. Questions regarding his history or opinions on the general status of the Shinobi world are often met with a ballad of anecdotal references, and depressing metaphors that tend highlight the negative aspects of, well, being [i]alive[/i]. Due to his seemingly infinite disdain towards basically [i]everything,[/i] most perceive Zay as an angst ridden peon who cares nothing of his friends, family, or own well being. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. Despite what his nihilistic charade would suggest, he's a particularly caring individual that places tremendous importance on not only his own well-being, but that of all living things, and more importantly, the freedom they are entitled to. There's nothing more important to him than the heart that keeps him standing, and by extension, the people that give it the courage to beat freely. However, Zay prioritizes himself over all others. He claims that he would never risk his life, even if it were for the safety of a loved one. Truth be told, his attitude keeps him from actually developing any strong relationships, and his known family has been dead for years. Still, he considers his allies precious, and will do everything he can to keep their heart's beating if it doesn't put his life at serious risk. One could infer that Zay purposely distances himself from others to avoid the responsibility the coincides with friendship and romance, but since he is awfully secretive about his personal affairs, nobody's really be able to pry a solid explanation from his iron-hard brain-case. [b]【History】[/b] Zay's life started off rich with love and wealth. Born in Iwagakure, Zay lived out his infant years in the care of his mother and father, both of whom had little respect for the Hamajō Confederation. This disrespect quickly blossomed into action when Zay's mother, Ikomi Tetsuba, allied herself with the Red Sages and put her family in immediate danger. Although her husband supported the haphazardous decision she'd made, his sister Tskia did not appreciate seeing her nephew put in harms way. Before he turned 3, Tskia Tetsuba stole Zay away from his father and fled Iwagakure to raise him in hiding. Not a year later, Tskia had received knowledge that both her brother and his wife were killed, having been revealed as supporters of the red sages. Tskia rose Zay as her own, treating him as the son she'd never had, and teaching him the basis of his family's ninjutsu. Even so, Zay was one to question every minute detail behind the lessons he'd received. this often lead to questions regarding the Tetsuba Clan, and by extension, his parents. Of course, Tskia was never at liberty to reveal much to Zay, in fear he'd adopt his parent's ideals, putting himself in immediate danger. Due to the secrecy that enveloped his training, Zay didn't take to his aunt's lessons very kindly, and instead spent all of his time training himself in the art of silver Release with his aunt's wisdom as a very loose basis. At the age of 17, around the time that Zay had achieved the rank of Chuunin, Tskia had fallen fatally ill, and was home-bound. Although it was difficult, Zay was forced to support both himself and his aunt on what little money he could earn through the few missions he was approved for. Ultimately, Tskia passed away, leaving Zay to fend for himself. On her death bed, Tskia told Zay of his parents and their fate, along with the history of their family. Although he didn't change the way he behaved, his aunt's death, and his family's history took a serious toll on his inner thoughts, and changed the way he looked at life, and death. Zay, without a mentor, continued to develop his silver release on his own. Zay now spends his time conducting missions as a registered shinobi. When he isn't on assignments, sleeping, or training his jutsu, Zay spends all of his time outside, walking outside city limits as much as he can. 【Family ties】 Zay has no living relatives to his own knowledge, but it's likely that some have survived to this day. Regardless, he doesn't care enough to look into the possibility. [b]【Dreams and fears】[/b] "I dream of a world where everyone can lay their backs against softened grass, and gaze at clouds without fear of fire or fist" "Spiders are horrible, but they kill moths, and moths are a plague on my very sanity" Combat reports. Gathered from evaluation reports after missions. [b] 【Fighting style】[/b] Zay harnesses the power of his silver release almost exclusively. That is to say, he refuses to even acknowledge Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and most other ninjutsu as a viable option of combat. Zay is proficient at close-mid range combat, with limited long-range options. He focuses on a iron-hard defense to compensate for his lack of ranged options. [b]【Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit】[/b] [b][u]Bloodline limit name:[/u][/b] Silver Release [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] Silver release allows members of the Tetsuba Clan to mold fire and Earth chakra natures into a shimmering metallic liquid, hence the name 'silver release'. This substance can be used in a plethora of different ways using subsequent jutsu as long as the user's chakra remains infused inside of the liquid, but without proper concentration, it is impossible to do much more than move it along the ground at a snails pace. It is also impossible to control this liquid if it travels more than 15 yards away from the user. If any of this substance leaves the user's 15 yard radius, whether it is in solid or liquid form, will quickly dissolve into raw chakra. Users can also reabsorb this liquid to replenish their chakra pool with diminished return. Due to these limitations, silver release users are not very mobile, and instead rely on the agility and durability of their jutsu. In use, the silver liquid acts as a base for several techniques. The most common application is consuming opponents in range and smothering them to death. It can however be hardened to create temporary weapons with very high Chakra affinity, large scale attacks, barriers, armor, and various mechanisms relative to the user's knowledge of the technology they are trying to mimic. More advanced users of Silver release can sense the presence of other living things within their pool as long as they are connect by a constant stream of chakra, coat their entire body in an armor that removes their sense of sight and hearing but makes them nearly impervious to physical assaults, temporarily patch wounds by fusing the liquid with their skin, heat the liquid to boiling temperatures, and in very rare cases, transfer their body instantaneously from one section of their puddle to another with a delayed reemergence. It's rumored that certain Tetsuba could create golden, Copper, and even mercury based liquid metals, but nothing has been confirmed, and their lineage runs so thin that it's difficult to confirm or deny such rumors. Members of the Tetsuba Family are known to have very pale skin, reflective white hair, and silver blood. These effects appear to be purely cosmetic and otherwise have no effect on their biology whatsoever. Tetsuba Shinobi [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] Ray's mastery of Silver release is exceptional, and it wouldn't come as a surprise considering he does not practice any ninjutsu that would not coincide with his Kekkei Genkai. At his current mastery, Zay can keep a constant pool of Silver going at the full 15 yards from his body for a considerable amount of time before it begins to strain his Chakra reserves. His mid-close range combat is unmatched in many scenarios, disallowing easy movement within his radius without immediate danger. His liquid can nullify most wind natured ninjutsu, protect against some earth/water/fire natured ninjutsu, and offer substantial protection from most forms of attacks when hardened en-masse. Zay's agility with his silver allows him to cast jutsu in quick succession, giving the liquid considerable agility when he is focused. [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] Without a ready supply of silver, Ray is practically defenseless, only able to conjure weapons and small short-range projectile type jutsu quickly enough to defend himself. Even with a pool at the ready, Zay is incapable of firing ranged attacks outside of his range effectively. His mobility with the pool is also very slow, and he cannot travel long distances without being encumbered by his jutsu. While channeling a substantial pool of silver, Ray require immense concentration, disallowing him to move his body too quickly at risk of his entire jutsu falling apart momentarily. If he is forced to dodge, or struck by anything that would interrupt his concentration, any hardened liquid could instantaneously melt back down into liquid form, and any silver under his control will fall back into his pool, including any weapons or armor he's equipped himself with. Additionally, his silver is highly-conductive, allowing lightning-natured jutsu to travel effortlessly along the entire expanse of the pool as long as it is connected, or close enough to allow a current to travel throughout. Certain Lightning-natured Jutsu can also [i]pierce[/i] through any solidified silver effortlessly, and even destroy portions of his liquid. Conjuring the liquid, albeit quick, also requires an initial Chakra dump that nearly drains Zay of half his energy. Additionally, Zay can only sustain a pool for about 10 minutes before he runs out of energy, assuming he rations his chakra sparingly. 【Ninja techniques】 【Custom made techniques】 [/center] [hider=SomanyCustomTechs] [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Forge [u]Rank:[/u] D [u]Range:[/u] Short-Medium [u]Description:[/u] Creates a weapon or device based on the user's knowledge and skill either somewhere in a mirror pool nearby, or in the user's hand using newly created liquid silver. The weapon's strength is on par with average steel, and resonate with Chakra very well. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Constellation [u]Rank:[/u] D [u]Range:[/u] Medium [u]Description:[/u] Fires an array of tiny silver balls from either the user's mouth, or from any point in his mirror pool, with a width of about 15 feet. These have the potential to break skin and heavily bruise upon impact, but are not usually deadly. Can travel up to 25 Yards away from the user despite his limitation, but once leaving the 15 yard radius, they decrease in power to a point of absolute worthlessness. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Mirror Pool [u]Rank:[/u] C [u]Range:[/u] Short-Medium [u]Description:[/u] The basis of Zay's Jutsu. Creates a reflective pool as the user's feet that spread out quickly. Can be channeled to extend the range of the pool, or to absorb the chakra infused in the liquid with diminished returns. This liquid can be controlled with the user's Chakra while it exists. The user can sense anyone touching the Silver if they are within his radius, and 'feel' their chakra network. All attacks within range, liquid or solid, are considered part of the Mirror pool. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Boiling Flow [u]Rank:[/u] C [u]Range:[/u] Short [u]Description:[/u] The user instantly heats up a section of liquid silver for a few seconds. Effect persists if the liquid is solidified, allowing for heated jutsu followups. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Tempid Mail [u]Rank:[/u] C [u]Range:[/u] N/A [u]Description:[/u] Covers the user's skin in a thin layer of liquid silver that can be hardened at will with other Jutsu types. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Solid Wall [u]Rank:[/u] C [u]Range:[/u] Short-Medium [u]Description:[/u] Raises a wall at any point in the mirror pool to intercept an attack. Fast, but not effective as an offensive option. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Solid Mail [u]Rank:[/u] B [u]Range:[/u] N/A [u]Description:[/u] Covers the user in a thick layer of hardened steel. Blocks nearly all forms of attack, but blocks out the user's sense of Smell, Sight, And Hearing. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Tepid Flow [u]Rank:[/u] B [u]Range:[/u] Short-Medium [u]Description:[/u] Slices forth with a blade of liquid silver from any point within the user's radius, with enough force to sever limbs. Cannot break through guards, but will not be stopped unless blocked in its entirety; Due to its liquid nature, it will simply phase around swords and small shields. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Solid Flow [u]Rank:[/u] B [u]Range:[/u] Short-Medium [u]Description:[/u] Launches a solid spike from any point in the user's mirror pool. The thicker the spike, the stronger, and slower, the strike. Often used in quick succession to create multiple spikes at once. [u]Jutsu name:[/u] Silver Release: Tether [u]Rank:[/u] A [u]Range:[/u] Long [u]Description:[/u] The user coats his hand in a rubbery silver, with a higher concentration of chakra, and extends it into a amorphous whip, which they can then fling around for about a minute before it loses form. While active, this tether acts as an extension of the user's chakra network, allowing it to exist outside the normal range of the user's pool, and increasing their pool's range to be 15 yards from wherever the tether reaches. This tether can also latch onto targets, including shinobi, but cannot be detached from the user unless they cancel the jutsu. Requires a large amount of chakra to form.[/hider] [center]【Weaponry, tools and objects.】 Zay carries no Ninja weaponry, and prefers to create his own.[/center][/hider] There's probably a few things I missed, but I'm mostly concerned with his abilities atm.