[quote=@Sen] wow yikes ... As much as I would love to leave it at that, I can't. First of all, when I say "women aren't as safe as men on the streets", I'm less referring to violent crime and moreso to over-all safety. But, since you want to talk about violent crime rates, [url=http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85f0033m/2010024/part-partie1-eng.htm]according to Statistics Canada[/url] (my country of origin and thus the place I checked on instinct; your mileage may vary assuming you're American), violent crime victims are essentially equal gender-wise on a national scale, with females being 51% of victims. You do raise a valid point in that men are victims of homicide and assault more, but sexual assault cases are overwhelmingly women. Not sure about you, but I really don't worry about just ~randomly being murdered~, and as a male, I worry less about being sexually assaulted than most women. I feel safer (and probably am) in general on the streets than a large percentage of women in my country. Additionally, many types of organized crime are dominated by men. I'm just guessing, but that probably has something to do with the rates of homicide targeting men. As for "men not needing feminism", yeah, you're right. I don't need it, seeing as I'm not female. But you know what? I feel like being a decent human being, and supporting the issues that women actually have that we don't is, in my honest opinion, part of that. We also need to get rid of the issues men have too, such as the particularly toxic parts of masculinity (and as a gay male, let me tell you, there's a number of 'em) and the previously mentioned disgusting custody bias, among other things. Male chauvinism is here today all because of masculinism. See how easy it is to blame a rights movement for something? B) [/quote] I'm American so things are different here. Also Canada has some pretty f'd up laws and has one of the worst feminist cultures in the west