[quote=@Bassummoner] [@OneStoryToMany] [@Pudding] I wasn't going to play a role but I'd [i]really[/i] like to be a part of this one and I've always wanted a Summoner charrie. So much so that it's a part of my username, haha I'm sorry! If you'd like to put a CS in for anything else I'd be happy to have a look. The more the merrier! Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr if anybody would be interested in a rival summoner role, that would be pretty cool. If everyone else thinks so. [/quote] I shot you a PM with my summoner character yesterday :o I'm fine with doing a rival thing, though my character is more white mage inclined lololol Edit: [Hider=Elise Arwin]Character Sheet: [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Aria.(Omega.Quintet).full.1855805.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Elise Arwing Race: Human Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)): Yevonist; She was raised this way and honestly doesn't care about the factions, but likes to follow along in order to feel less lonely. Job: Summoner Personality: Originally upbeat and a real go-getter, she has slumped into a monotone, straight faced specter. At times she can seem a little confusing and it may appear that what you're saying is not getting to her, but she understands and can be oddly astute at times. In most dire moments, she can be the one to cheer you up. Maybe. She has a slow-drawn out way of talking that makes her intelligence seem lower than that of a young Moogle. Elise doesn't let this keep her down though, she acts just the same as any girl who suddenly got the ability to summon ancient aeons would act. With a passion to help others, she'll heal others without a second thought, generally on accident, but she is caring all the same. Though at times she can be rather tactless, not realizing the consequences what she is saying. Weapon of Choice: Summoning Rods (For the moment, it's the basic steel rod you can find anywhere in Spira) [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/09/8e/77098e06a3c657f0a86d8334dc3ec847.jpg[/img] Special Abilities: - Cure, Cura - Esuna - Protect, Shell - Demi - Summon Character Flaws: Elise is very forgetful and knowledgeable about the world of Spira, when she learns something, unless it's going to directly effect her within a mainframe of time, she tends to forget it. At times she can be oblivious to almost all things going on around her, her expressionless face doesn't help her convey her emotions ether; she doesn't do it on purpose, after the incident with her village and her first accidental summon she can't help it. Many times, she accidentally casts the wrong magic randomly, as she has yet learned how to master it. Inventory: A Rusty Ring, x2 Gyshal Greens and Her Steel Rod and a Strange Crystal Bio: Born and raised and very religious household, off the coast of Luca, her family boasts of how their ancestors were high ranked bishops at the temple of Bevel, that one of their most ancient and nameless ancestors, became a summoner and attempted a defeat of Sin. Although when asked nobody remembers this person, no has any evidence to back it up. Coincidentally, no one in her family ever could cast magic. At around her thirteenth birthday, Elise was taken to a concert and watch some high class dancers, it was at that moment she decided she would learn their line of work and become an idol of sorts. Her ideals and dreams were cut short, the epidemics all across the land of Spira hit family hard. No longer was she allowed to pursue a career in dancing, but only as white mage, healing the strongest of Yevonites fighting against the evil in their world. A year after the attack of the great beasts, Elise was fleeing after the warriors fighting fiends off had met their untimely end. As she begun her flee, the ground beneath her tore itself in half causing gravity to do its' job and pull her down into a deep cavern. Unbeknownst to her, she had found herself among a chamber of fayth. An ensnaring light enveloped her, this light of mcguffen transported her back to her town. Rubbing her eyes she was amazed to find herself back where she began her journey. At this point it was time to tell the high priest of the recent proceedings. As if in the blink of an eye, a strange light glowed from within her pockets, then tragedy struck, Ifrit, a beast not scene for many years erupted his fury among the town, slaughtering many, fiends and friend alike. Fleeing and healing the weak Elise was scarred, unsure of what to do. The beasts rage began to quell, after releasing a final onslaught of magic upon the town, killing many and burning much of the town to the ground it stood upon. Surrounded by ash stricken bodies, Elise was brought to her knees, tears over flowing from her pure eyes. The beast looked at her with fire twisting, dancing among the fur laced across its body. The beast faded and the magical energy from the summoned beast enveloped Elise. "No... This was, because of me...?" With a ear piercing shriek, Elise cried to the heavens for the suffering to end. Sendings had been discontinued as such the spirits were stuck in an eternal peril. Other: None that I can think of. [/hider]