[quote=@tex] I shall just pop a huge paragraph in the picture-slot. [i]~Sigh~[/i] [/quote] Do this and I can provide you with a picture that resembles it. Especially if it's a female. I have countless of pictures JUST for this purpose simply because I spend hours looking for pictures. Males is harder because they all look either overly sexualised or stupid. :lol [quote=@Hatman1801] Question: Do we need to be providing actual pictures of our characters? Not all of us are artists, or have the easiest time finding "closest to the truth" pictures. [/quote] See above. [quote=@Jensoman] Oh shit it's TEX AND HATMAN Imma sign up too! Writing paragraphs isn't really the easiest thing for me, but if I'm allowed in, I'll do my best! I'm not going to be doing one liners though, I'll always make sure of that. [/quote] One liners are a no-go, but generally if you are in a team with others, and they write 2 paragraphs, it becomes easier to respond with similar sizes. [quote=@l0ck0n] I'm interested in this roleplay. Though, will this roleplay be a high-casual low-advanced type of roleplay, or is it simply casual? Also, are you accepting still? Because I read that the IC will be tomorrow, so I would assume no more CS will be accepted to prepare for the IC post. [/quote] I second what spodes says, though I want to add that we're 'simply' casual but we're probably closer to high casual given the cast we have now. Don't let that scare you off I guess? :lol