[hider=Lady Ellasapet Shamesdaughter] Name: Lady Ellasapet Shamesdaughter Nickname: El Age: 127 Gender: Female Race: Half Elf/Half Drow Race Overview: Elves are naturally inclined towards magic and light. Drawing from the power of nature and life. Drows are naturally resistant to magic, drawing from the power of shadows and death. These two races were never meant to mix. Being a mut from the two has caused a wasting sickness within El. Both have natural physical strength which El draws on with her anthropomagics. Titles: Lady of Shame (Bequeathed to her by her mother) Sage of life (Bequeathed to her by her mentor due to the nature of her research and apparent future success.) Appearance: [IMG]http://orig02.deviantart.net/0760/f/2013/219/a/a/dark_elf_by_intervain-d6dsfch.jpg[/IMG] El stands at 5" 4' and weighs 120lbs. Her photosensitive grey skin is shielded by a cloak at all times during the day, though at night she'll pull the hood down. Most of her appearance is hidden by this cloak that covers her from head to tow, excluding her face, which is protected with a stripe of paint and a blessing given by a follower of Sol, God of the Sun, and growing things. It only offers marginal protection and she keeps her face in the shadows of her cowl as much as possible. Weapons: Staff of bone- A staff made from a giant's leg bone. El harvested it from the still living body of the giant, by taking it from the living body, and enchanting it at the same time, she created a staff that is nearly unbreakable due to the amount bone density. Then continued to force the remainder of the giant's living potential within it. El is capable of harvesting still living cells from it, and uses them as a source of food and magical component. Hollow death- El's father's prized possession. The blade has a poison on it that is both herbal and magical in nature. It causes paralysis and intense pain, until the victim dies. A single nick is enough to infect them. However to do this the blade itself must make contact with blood. The blade is limited in usefulness due to the power of the enchantment, something had to be given in exchange. The blade is dull, and can never be sharpened. Steed: N/A, read Abilities for more information. Abilities: Photosensitive skin and eyes- El's drow heritage causes her to be sensitive to the Sun's rays. Consistent exposure leads to painful burning, and if multiple days are spent in view of the Sun, she will eventually die. Enhanced night vision- El's drow heritage gives her enhanced vision into shadows, the dark, and at night. She's pushed this ability to the limit with her anthropomagics, however this has caused her eyes to be extra sensitive during the day. she'd be blinded if not for the blessing she wears. Blessing of Sol- A blessing which gives her protection from the Dun, by a follower of Sol. Enhanced magic resistance- El's drow heritage gives her enhanced resistance to combative magic. Prior to her experiments woth alchemy and anthropomagics she was naturally resistant to all magic. She didn't like that, so she changed it. Increased muscle mass- Using her small skill anthropomagics, she increased her muscle mass giving her additional strength and speed. Imcreased stamina- El's stamina has been increased using anthropomagics, I.e. she can run for a full day straight. However she'll need to rest for several hours after doing so. Enhanced healing- El's body heals faster than normal, but drains the remaining living matter within the staff. Retarded aging- El's aging has been slowed by both her Elven heritage and her enhanced healing. Talents: Has mediocre skill fighting with staff or dagger. Most opponents will have little to no difficulty beating her in a physical confrontation. Polyglot- El knows several languages due to her travels. Magical Scholar- El is a scholar of multiple schools of magic, and has an extremely firm grasp of magical theory. Anatomical expert- El has personally led several disections...and maybe a few vivesections. Anthropophage/Hematophage- El can eat the flesh, bones, organs, etc. As well as drinking the blood of animals, humans, and humanoids to sustain herself, heal, or recharge her magic. Magic: El is both an Alchemist and an Anthropomagus. Alchemy- El can create potions, poisons, and several different compounds (from explosives to adhesive) if she has the components at hand. However this was not her focus, she dived into the more active magical side. El can draw out alchemical circles allowing her to change, add, enhance, hamper, seal, release, and so many more things. Unfortunately, the law of equivalent exchange demands equality. What this means, to fix something, she'd need all of the pieces of the broken item, plus something of equal value that will be broken in it's stead. However it could be equal in financial value, personal value, usefulness, or so on and so forth. Examples of Alchemy she can complete: Repair- If an item is broken, and there is an item of equal value to break in it's stead, El can move the break from one item to the other. If no item is available, but she has a source of sustenance (anthropophage/hematophage) is available she can complete it, but must eat both before and after the completion. Sealing- El can seal an item, sentient being, or magical construct into a pre-prepared "box". The exchange would be releasing something else that was sealed, or releasing half of her genetic make up. (Basically becoming either fully drow or elf) Releasing-basically the same as sealing except backwards. This is by no means a complete list, but she requires components and/or time. (Something to draw with is always required.) Anthropomagics- El has spent the last 10 years of her life researching, and practicing anthropomagics. This school of magic is specifically relating to the body. Using this magic skill set, El can alter the body (the flesh, bones, chemicals, skin, organs, etc.) to enhance, hamper, heal, alter, etc. Examples of this nagic are ax follows: 'Roid rush- El can manipulate the chemicals, blood, and blood vessels and cause intense muscular growth in a shortt time period. If abused, the individual can be driven into a rage, can cause heart problems, the bones can become damaged if she doesn't also increase density. Healing- El can manipulate the cells, platelets, chemicals, bones, etc. Involved in the healing process and increase speed of healing.(I.e. Someone breaks a bone, and the sharp end comes out of the skin. An alchemist would be iffy useful in a situation, there'd have to be something of equal value to break in order to heal it. But an anthropomagus would be able to force the arm straight then make the bone cells start to grow and reconnect the two pieces, and then causes the platelets to surge up and begin drying over the open wound. Advancing healing by days, and with repeated use cut total recovery time to days, a week or two at most. Instead of months.) Adrenalyze- El can cause an adrenaline rush, and temporarily increase reaction time, strength, speed, and mental focus and acuity. Make-over- Given time, and incentive El can recreate any person's body into a new shape or add enhancements to it. Imagination is the key to what can be done. This is by no means a complete list but does offer a good example of magical skill set. El will demand payment for her skills. Point blank, end of story. However, payment can be in blood, components, money, flesh, so on so forth. She prefers bartering. Backstory: El was conceived in an act of rape by drow. Her mother never forgave El for existing. She named her Shamesdaughter, because she was the daughter of her greatest shame. Later when El reach Ladyhood within the Elven Courts, she named her Lady of Shame. Her title being the right of her mother. El is old by human standards, though still a child by the standards of her forefathers. El remembers when the rise of Iron Coast was occurring, lived through the empire's expansion. And lived through the subsequent fall. She was a girl of 17 when the humans annexed and entered tge Iron Coast. And spent the next 14 years watching them scape out an existence, then prosper in her homelands. She remembers fleeing out of the Iron Forest from the first wave of the undead in I.R. 480, she was 76. When she came to the town, she was deathly ill, and was rescued by an old human alchemist who later became her mentor. He taught her alchemy for 20years, until he passed away in his sleep. She continued her research for the next 21 years she dived into alchemy. Not finding a permanent cure for her illness or immortality El started researching anthropomagics. The next ten years proved more fruitful than the previous 41 years. However she hit a wall, she needed funds. Ahortly after her 127th birthday, she heard about a chance to make a large sum of money. She set off to Campus Magnus immediately. Starting Location: Campus Magnus [/hider] *Edited* AND DONE!!!!!! YAAAAY!!!!!!!