[Center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Marisol%20Carrington&name=ChopinScript.ttf&size=100&style_color=0CA35A[/img] & [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Peter%20Griffin&name=Across%20the%20Road.ttf&size=110&style_color=FF6600[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/18/7d/8b/187d8b228622e60cea50b415724ce94f.jpg[/img][/Center][hr][hr] One early morning, Marisol walked along the hall way of her and Peter's house. Rubbing her eyes, with the back of her hand. Stopping when she saw the package that was meant for her. She had just stopped and stared at it for some time, debating if she should open it or not. Marisol wasn't sure what it was about-a part of her bit scared to open it, when she saw the familiar writing. Taking the box to the kitchen, she set it on the table. With Trembling hands, she finally opened up the package from her parents. Finding the letters and the voucher. Twirling the voucher between her hands, she sighed sitting on the stool-staring at the two letters for quite some time. Marisol was silent and deep in thought. She and her parents weren't on good terms, she hasn't seen them or spoken to them since the day she run off; leaving her little brother Charlie to live and suffer under their wrath. But she could not take living under the same roof as Reginald and Cass anymore...she had enough. It's not like they probably, cared about her anyway...they never did when she was around. So why would they care now? With a soft sigh, she tapped her fingers against the table. Still debating with herself....how bad could this be on a scale of 1 to 10?.....7...8?.....less than 5? Her thoughts were driving her bit nuts at that point. Marisol had avoided her parents for the last 6 years, living finally in peace. She could finally do what she wanted to, what she liked...and she was finally happy, living her with long term boyfriend Peter. Having met him in High-school, those two were close from day 1. And now this...she couldn't help but wonder if any of her other siblings got this....care package of sorts. [hr][Center][img] http://38.media.tumblr.com/7caa2d483bd7ea9c01d1067c0e6adbf6/tumblr_inline_nm376xwi5s1tpmr1v.gif[/img] [/Center][hr] Peter woke up, his arm outstretched, landing on an empty part of the bed, where Mari's body would normally be. Surprised, he gave himself a minute or two before opened his eyes, gazing at the spot with the missing girl. Proping himself up on the bed, he rubbed the sleep of his eyes before getting up and heading to the bathroom. He then took the next couple of minutes washing up, and brushing his teeth, getting rid of the last remnants of sleep in his visage. He wondered where Mari was, and what she was doing out of bed so early. When he was done with the toilet, he got dressed and left the room to look for his girlfriend. His beloved girl. As he got to the kitchen, Peter finally found the person he was looking for. He saw Mari sitting on the stool staring intently at something in her hands, a letter? That was what it looked like to him. As he approached her, he asked "What's gotten you up so early, my love? A letter?" While waiting for her to reply, the next thought sprang to his mind, as he rubbed his stomach. He was hungry, and he needed to eat. Breakfast. Peter opened the fridge, and peered inside its cavernous depths looking for something suitable for his morning meal. What should he eat? Eggs? Bacon? Should he pick one? Why not both? Deciding on having both, he took out a two eggs and a packet of frozen bacon. Taking out a frying pan, he began pouring a thin layer of oil before heating up the pan. He called back. "Love, have you eaten yet, do you want some breakfast as well?" Mari had been silent, staring at the content in her hands for at least an hour. She was almost paralyzed, just lost in her thoughts about what the letters could contain. Peter's arrival, made her jump slightly-she wasn't expecting him to be up at 7 in the morning. Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled gently at the love of her life. "Sorry...I couldn't sleep...and I found a package from my....parents." Marisol breathed out. Her Spanish accent, slightly intense when she spoke, the words 'my parent's'. Marisol had told Peter about the troubles in her family...including the horrors her parents put the Carrington Siblings through...and that there was a war-of kind between her and her older sister Olivia. Things were just unpleasent. She didn't even notice her stomach rumbling, until he mentioned breakfast. "No...I haven't eaten yet." she told him softly, before getting up walking over. She leaned up, kissing his cheek softly. "I'll have some breakfast with you. I just need some coffee...I can't think straight." Reaching for the top shelves, she took two cups. One for herself...and one for Peter. Putting on the kettle, she leaned against the counter, waiting for the water to boil. Deep in thought, for a few more moments; she bit her lower lip. Glancing at Peter, she looked at him in silence for a few moments. "Do you think, I should open the letters?...how bad can it be?" she asked, thinking out loud as well as asking him for his opinion. As Mari replied his question about breakfast, he thought about how much he loved her spanish accent. It was strange yet soothing to him. Peter then popped back into the fridge, grabbing another pair of eggs, before heading back to the heated pan, and started working on the eggs, cracking them skillfully at the side of the pan, dropping them whole into the pan, before frying them up for a lovely dish of scrambled eggs. Taking out a carton of milk, he poured a slight bit of milk in to curdle the eggs, bringing them to the correct consistency they were supposed to be. When the eggs were done, he started working on the bacon. Soon enough, their breakfast was ready. He set the mouth-watering food on a pair of plates, and brought them to the table. "Breakfast is served!" "Those letter from your parents..any idea what they're about?" Glancing at them as he narrowed his eyes, he continued. "I don't see why you shouldn't. Give it a go then. I'm here if you need me, love." While he waited for his beloved to open her letter, he happily started on his morning meal. Boy was he starving! Wolving down the eggs ina blink of an eye, he started on his strips of bacon. Mmm..were they tasty, probably as tasty as the girl right in front. Looking up at Mari, he said, "Go on, eat, before the food gets cold now. Don't want good food and my effort going to waste, do we?" He then flashed her one of his trademarked smiles that she was incredibly familiar with and loved. Watching Peter move around the Kitchen; Marisol smiled to herself. He always seemed at best when he was in the kitchen, he was a better cook than herself to be honest. She couldn't help but admire him for more than a few moments. When the water came off the boil, she fixed them both a cup of coffee, just how he liked it. Setting his cup down in front of him. She sighed, with her lips pursed at his question about the letters. She shook her head. "I have no idea...I haven't seen or spoken to them in 6 years. So I am not sure, what they'd want now...they even sent me some voucher." she breathed out, taking a few sips off her coffee. Marisol smiled at his reassurance, watching him wolf down the food. She smiled shaking her head, he was more hungry than she felt. Her thoughts taking her on a slight de-tour until he snapped her out of her hay-daze once again. Seeing his trade-mark and rather charming smile; Marisol's cheeks turned pink as they always did when she saw that smile. It always managed to make her blush. "We sure don't." she then tucked into her food aswell. Enjoying the scrambled eggs with bacon, her hand reached over; giving his hand a squeeze. During breakfast; Marisol finally opened up the letters. Taking a deep breath, she narrowed her eyes at the rather bussiness like letter, explaining they needed to find an heir for the company. "bull...pompous ass." she muttered under her breath; so this was the point? Trying to win them over with gifts...so they could find an heir?...crap. When she got the second letter, she narrowed her eyes even futher and looked a little pale at the thought of an entire family vacation. She swallowed, feeling slightly uneasy...how would she survive the next month with everyone being around each other? "They are after an entire family vacation...and something about picking an heir, for their precious company." she frowned, as she saw the tickets. "What are they going to do...force one of us, to take over the company? I am not interested in the bussiness...doubt anyone else is." The letters made Mari feel tense...the thought of seeing her parents...or seeing the one sister that hated and dispised her...made her stomach churn. She didn't know which was worse. Peter kept his gaze on Mari as she explained to him about the contents of the letter, and what had exactly got her so worked up about. A entire family vacation, it seemed. Well, considering how estranged she was with her friends and the rest of her family, it was understandable how worried and anxious she was, but he was surprised that she even got an invitation. Perhaps, her parents were indeed keeping their options open to any of their children. "Your parents are rich, and their company is the main source of their riches. I sincerly doubt that any of your siblings have not thought of what they would be inheriting one day." Placing his hands over to grasp hers in his, he continued in a rather warming tone. "Why, even if you're not interested in taking over the company, I don't see why we shouldn't go to the vacation anyway. It's an all expenses paid for trip and we got to spend some time together after all." That was what he told her, but secretly, Peter had another plan up his sleeves. A plan that he had in mind for sometime now, but had been searching for the perfect opportunity to carry it out. Europe would be the perfect place for it to happen. It just was. Giving her fingers a squeeze, Peter said. "I'll go with you. You won't have to face them alone. I'll be there for you, just like I always have." Releasing his hand from hers, he took the letter and began reading the contents, just like she had been earlier, to get a clearer picture of what exactly was going on for himself. He read it and understood it. He was right, or at least he thought he was. There wasn't any logical reason to avoid it at all. She had plenty of siblings after all. He was sure, some or most of them would be more than eager to take up the reins in the family business. Peter didn't think Mari had anything to worry about. As Peter gripped her hand gently; her thumb gently brushed over the back of his hand. Keeping her hand in his; Marisol listened to him, his warm and loving tone seemed to reassure her and calm her down."I suppose, you're right." she muttered softly. She knew, that the issue/debate about inheriting the company probably crossed her siblings' minds...but the matter, of fact was whether or not they actually wanted to inherit in the first place or not. Marisol couldn't think of one...that would be willing to take the reigns...or maybe they were, but never said anything....who knows what the other Carrington's thought off. So far, everyone seemed happy doing their own thing...living their own lives. That's one of the reasons, they all split off from their parents in the first place. Hearing him, talk about the vacation. Marisol smiled a bit. She could think of a few reasons why they could avoid going. But something in her, was saying they should go...It was her family after all...maybe it might not be so bad, maybe it could be better...and things could be forgiven and forgotten? If things would get that lucky...but so far she was doubting it. "If you think, you can handle my parents and everyone else....then why not." she smiled softly. Looking worried and concerned...she knew that her parents would judge...and they judged harshly if things were not perfect...if people were less than perfect. The thought of them judging her, Peter made her heart clench in agony at the thought. Feeling her heart flutter, at his words and squeeze. Marisol smiled at him warmly with a loving expression. "I don't know, what I'd do without you." her hand squeezed his before she allowed him to read the content of the letters. His support, and the fact that he was willing to go on his own to support her, meant a lot to her. He kept her together. He had been her rock and savior. The one person that kept her complete in more ways than she could explain. He was wonderful and he was all hers. [hr] It had been a few weeks since the arrival of the care package-and the Christmas Holidays had arrived. Marisol was helping Peter finish up packing their bags for the vacation...they would be heading for the airport in a few hours. Trying to keep calm for Peter's sake...Mari felt like she might burst from anxiety, fear, and concern. Her emotions all over the place, but she did her best to keep herself under control. Peter's presence kept her somewhat calm and from freaking out,even if she looked pale like a ghost; from her anxiety and stress of seeing everyone, including her parents. The only people she looked forward to catching up with were Tatia, Charlie and some of the older siblings like Gabriel and Avery. Most of the others...were a bit estranged to her or they just didn't keep in touch, know each other too well. Checking her hand bag, she made sure she had their passports and the tickets at the ready. It was finally here. The day of the vacation. Mari had been rather angsty the whole time ever since the letter came, anxiously preparing for family vacation. Both of them had packed their bags, with Mari butting in to help with his as well. He sensed that her emotions were all over the place and she was incredibly jumpy. Stress seemed to be getting the best of her, and he was glad that the day had arrived so that they could at least go on with it. Hopefully when the thing started, she would feel better. His repeated pleas of reassurance could only do so much, when her emotions seemed to continue to cloud her mind. He honestly was at a lost at what he could do to calm her down, and therefore could do nothing at this point. With all their bags packed, and their tickets and other neccesities ready, Peter had a job to do. He had to ensure that everything was in order and be the calm one here. He was sure that Mari, if she was anything like she had been the last couple of days, would be in no shape to keep things under control. Making sure that they had everything, He called for Mari to get ready to leave. They had to get ready if they wanted to be in time to catch their flight. " You ready love? It's about time we leave if we don't want to be late." Even with Peter's reassurance, help and pleas-Mari still felt like she was bouncing off the walls-internally and emotionally. The thought of facing her parents, her older siblings *she didn't know well, or didn't get on with like Olivia* made the palm of her hands sweat from anxiety. Why did this have to be so hard? She asked herself, closing her eyes tightly. Taking a few moments of silence, Marisol bit her lower lip. She took a few moments to just look around their room; the familiar warmth and security she felt here at home. It was going to be different over the next few weeks. Trying to survive with her family. Hearing Peter, she glanced over at him. "Not like I have much choice. A part of me just wants to get it over wit." she admitted. The sooner it was over, the better. At least, that's what she told herself.Grabbing her bag, she walked over to the hall way with Peter, where she slipped on her winter coat and scarf,over her turtle neck t-shirt with jeans, accompained with high heel boots. Now that Mari was ready, they could finally make a move. Finally. Peter was starting to think that they might not leave after all at this rate. The ordered taxi arrived while Mari had been flittering around their home, and had been waiting for a couple of minutes now. Lugging all their baggage towards the taxi, he placed what he could in the boot of the car, before placing the rest of the hand carry bags in the backseats. The pair soon got in, and the vehicle started making its way to the airport. There was really nothing further to be talked about while they were on the way there, and so Peter remained silent, taking a couple of shut eye, resting up for what might be a long series of days ahead. When they reached the airport, they found a staff waiting for them to unload their luggage for them, and the pair would follow yet another staff who would escort them to where the rest would be waiting. The small group of four arrived onto the entrance of a private runway, where a black livery car drove them to where a massive private boeing plane sat majestically on the tarmac. Peter was astounded, gobsmacked. He was expecting maybe something like a private Lear jet or something, an entire Boeing plane was not anywhere in his considerations. The Carringtons sure knew how to spend their money, that's more sure. As their luggage was loaded up to the plane, Peter helped Mari, holding her hands as they climbed up the boarding stairs, heading up to the aircraft itself. It was there that the pair would meet up with the rest of the family. Moving into the same area as the rest of Mari's family members, he began hunting for her parents, having the idea in mind that their appearance would definitely recognisable as the heads of the family. Finally locating her parents, Peter extended out a firm hand to Reginald and Cassiopeia Carrington before greeting and introducing himself. "Good day Sir, Madam, I'm Peter Griffin, Marisol's boyfriend. She is somewhere around the plane." He said motioning somewhere behind him. "It's an honour to meet you both." All he could now do was to give them a smile. The journey to the airport was quite; Peter seemed to be resting so Marisol was silent. Alone with her thoughts for a car ride. Her head leaning against Peter's shoulder. The closer they got to the airport, the more nervous she felt....she couldn't help but wonder how her parents would react to seeing her again...let alone what they'd think of Peter. Knowing how judgmental they were; she was scared of what would happen. A part of her wondered if they truly cared...did they care about any of them? Maybe that's what this trip proved...that they cared...but she didn't think it was very likely. They never showed her much love or care whilst growing up. Even Rowan tried to convince her...that they cared. But to her, it sounded like he was just trying to convince himself. Upon arrival, things moved a bit quicker for her at least. Following Peter up the jet stairs; she stayed behind for a few moments. Taking a few deep breaths as she spotted Charlie, and Tatiana first. Two of her favorite siblings were here at least...somehow she felt a bit at ease. She greeted them with a warm hug, giving them both a squeeze. Spotting her older brothers, Daniel and Avery; she smiled over at them in a silent greeting...but her eyes then landed on Sam. Marisol had never met the oldest Carrington...only heard a few stories; like anyone else who was born/brought into the family after she left. So far, it seemed like everyone had arrived with someone else....Marisol too, greeted her sibling's plus 1's with a soft smile on her face. Taking a few moments, Marisol noticed Wyatt-she looked a bit confused and surprised. She didn't remember, Tatia having a boyfriend...at least not one she heard off. Feeling the palm of her hands sweating; Marisol wished she could just escape and run off...but she couldn't just leave Peter and her siblings here like that. Finally taking some courage, she walked off in the direction where her parents were standing. "Umm...Hello" she sounded nervous after her long silence....as she was a bit nervous to even address her siblings a few moments before. "Father.....Mother..." she breathed out...her voice a bit softer, then she was used to when addressing her parents. Seeing Cassoipeia's stone cold expression, made it hard to force a smile on her face. Remaining upright and stoic...she just gave them a nod of greeting. She stood, a bit paralyzed in her spot, biting her lower lip. She wasn't sure what to say to them...after not seeing them for the last 6 years. Hearing more footsteps, Mari glanced over her shoulder to see her oldest brother Gabriel arriving with his friend. She flashed her big brother a smile, before smiling over at Eric with a greeting smile. Leaning up a bit, she whispered to Peter "I am going to go and see Tatia for a bit." she kissed his cheek, before she walked over to her older sister. Once she reached the Russian Adopted Carrington, she breathed out in a nervous breath. "Kak vy dumayete, chto my delayem khorosheye delo ? YA tak nervnichal, vokrug nikh ... eto tak nelovko." Whilst her Russian was rather fluent due to Tatia being her language coach and Mari taking on Russian during High-school and College/University...however her accent was lacking. Mari tried to imitate Tatia's accent, therefore it came out at odd times during the conversation. But her American accent was present.