[color=fff79a]8 guards remain. 5 injured. The guards attack, splitting up into groups of two to combat the 4-person alliance. [From now on, I'll be keeping the NPC rolls under the hood, so you won't be able to decipher the enemy modifiers. PM me if this is an issue.] [Normally I'll have large groups of enemies roll for characters based on who attacked them first, in order of posting, unless someone does something to gain agro or another special circumstance.] A pair of guards lash out with their stun batons, which were deftly dodged by Telos. Another group of guards target Carina, in an attempt to avenge their fallen comrade. They fired off one blaster shot each, both being deflected with ease. A third pair of guards leap onto Midori, who was able to swiftly dodge one of the attacks, but was nicked on the arm by the other's stun baton [color=ed1c24]for 1 damage. [9/10 health remaining][/color] The fourth and final group, managing to pin down the location of Nillian, fired off two shots in her direction, both just barely missing her head and forearm respectively.[/color] --- Telos, in hopes to redeem himself for his poor showing on his own signature attack decided to keep it relatively simple this time around. Once on the ground from his earlier leap, and dodging two attacks from the guards, he lashed out with his scimitar, again completely missing his mark [color=fff200][natural 6 + 2 str mod = 8 total, hit check failed].[/color] [color=00aeef]"Damn, what does it take to land a good hit these days?"[/color] He readied himself for a counter attack.