[Hider=the real cs] Name: Arthour McDaniels Nickname: McDaniels Age: 38 Gender: Male Race: Human Race Overview: N/A Titles: Reigning Champ of Chestnut Valley [IMG]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/0/0b/Class_creation_warrior.png/revision/latest?cb=20120310214553[/IMG] Weapons: McDaniels has a sword, shield, bow and arrows, hatchet, and two daggers. Steed: McDaniels owns a horse named Talia. She's grey and white, as well as a retired war horse. Abilities: N/A Talents: McDaniels is talented with one-hamded swords and shields. He grew up on the edge of a forest and has skill in setting traps for food, foraging, camping, and tracking. He is skilled with bow and arrow as well. He's an accomplished wrestler. Magic: N/A Backstory: McDaniels has been a sword for hire for 10 years now. And has recently hit a down time. He needs some money and he needs it fast. His wife is sick, and his children hungry, he's heading to Campus Magnus to look for work. Starting Location: Campus Magnus [/hider] The real cs