"Heh, you and me both Amuné, being sick always stinks," Ethan said with a weary smile. Deciding he should at least rid himself of his wet coat he slid that off and left only the tunic beneath remaining, tying the sleeves of the coat around his waist. He knew he'd remain ill if he didn't dry off, and having a cool night in damp grass didn't help him dry any. Once the sun was up and the temperature rose he should be fine, it just meant this morning was going to be a little miserable. It'd get better though, especially once they got their things back! Even if the two Magi had really gone all out there was no way they had washed everything away, right? Ethan's biggest concern was the horses, which given everything that had gone on they were probably long gone by now. If they found everything would they even be able to move it without the horses? No, he couldn't imagine so, but he couldn't let himself get so negative either. The tent and sleeping rolls were luxuries, they could do without those. Cecil's parts and tools they needed, they could find a way to carry them if need be, and they would figure out something for the medicine and other bits they needed to keep. Before they could return to camp though it was only fitting they make sure everyone was good to travel, leaving Cecil as the last one to check on. "Sundown huh?" Ethan repeated, considering it for a moment before smiling, "Not a problem! Just take it easy until then and let us handle things, it's only fair you get to rest now anyways for everything you did yesterday." He'd more or less saved them, it wasn't too far a stretch to say he'd earned a day off then. Heading back to camp was a bit daunting if only because no one knew what they might find. Would everything they owned be washed away and gone, would there be anything even useful left? Even Ethan with his generally optimistic outlook wasn't sure, expecting perhaps a worst case. When they crested the hill and came down the embankment not only to find their camp intact, but the horses somehow tied up nearby looking spooked but fine it was both a confusing and relieving sight. Scratching his head in confusion he walked down to examine the tent, finding the sand beneath his feet still wet as it sloshed and sunk under his weight. Poking his head inside the tent it was nice to find their items still inside and undisturbed, apparently neither of the Magi were into looting. Their cart had been down the shore too and appeared turned over, so that was a little worrisome. "Hey Nymira, give me a hand with the cart for a second?" Ethan asked as he stepped out, gesturing down to the vehicle in question. Her do the work that hired help normally would? A little demeaning really, Nymira would like to say make Cecil do it instead and she couldn't be bothered. Yet given how tired the Machina was she doubted he could do it, and she certainly couldn't expect Amuné to be able to do it. "Very well, I imagine you can't do it on your own," the Dimuran commented as she moved to the cart, peering around the turned over vehicle to see what was inside. Most everything looked to be there, with their medicines packed away in a container presumably and the rations they had bought there as well, albeit now dirty and soaked. So food would be an issue, other than that they should be fine. Waiting for Ethan to get over she squatted down and grabbed hold of the wall in the dirt, and on the count of three lifted it up out of the mud. "There... I'm amazed at our luck, that everything should still be here..." Including their horses which were tied up, confusing especially since the only ones here were the two Magi. Why would one of them get these horses back for them?