[center][h3][color=powderblue]Peter Sköjare[/color][/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/p4xGWYj.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Café [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Ray [@Obscurus], Harvey [@Altered Tundra], and Marilee [@LovelyAnastasia][/center][hr][hr] Peter smiled at the picture on his mocha - from what he'd seen from Ray, the guy enjoyed putting weird things on his drinks. And, from the outburst of this newcomer, he enjoyed putting weird things [i]in[/i] the drinks as well. From therein, Peter didn't get a word in edgeways. Naturally, once this Harvey kid started spouting totally out-of-order profanities, Peter's temper spiked. Additionally, he was hardly amused to find out about Ray's habits - although from what Peter could tell, he'd never put anything in his drinks. Thank the Gods for that - he took enough medication as it was. As the situation de-escalated slightly, Peter offered up a smile to Marilee as she apologised. [color=powderblue]"Well, honestly, I think you acted quite calmly for someone who got drugged."[/color] He said, then paused, glancing at Ray. He wasn't personally pissed at him, but he shrugged as he stood up, gathering up his books. [color=powderblue]"Sorry Ray - you have to admit, it was a dick move."[/color] He said, dusting some of the broken glass from before from the book covers, then nicking his fingers on one of the shards. [i]"Ah, perfect. More cuts - Jesus, I'll need to get a subscription to Band-Aid monthly or something at this rate."[/i] He thought to himself with a sigh. Upon looking back at Marilee, he mulled some thoughts over in his mind quickly. [i]Daughter of Hecate... would she be able to help me out? Shit, it is Athena's own magic she'd have to contend against - would it be rude to ask in the first place?[/i] [color=powderblue]"Hey, before you go... that was some interesting magic you used back there."[/color] He began, then paused, wondering how to word it. Hell, maybe if she didn't want to help him out, he could at least ask for information and attempt a spell himself. It couldn't hurt, right? [color=powderblue]"You wouldn't happen to know a spell that could sever a bond, between an item and a human? I've been kinda... cursed, I suppose would be the correct term for it."[/color] He asked, running a hand through his hair out of habit, hoping she saw his smile as one of friendliness and not the bare-faced flirtation the other guy was doing. [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=purple]Samael Krios[/color][/h3] [center][img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1ydre9jBg1r74gm1o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Demeter party cabin [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jay [@Altered Tundra], Clarissa & Amelia [@GoddessSophia][/center][hr][hr] Naturally, Sammy's mood heightened considerably as the four of them tucked into breakfast. The bacon was heavenly, and he'd never tasted scrambled eggs quite like these before. By the time Clarissa has looked at her phone, Sam's mouth was stuffed to burst, chewing away happily. However, upon hearing the news, he swallowed suddenly, looking at Clarissa in surprise. [color=purple]"Wait, you have a sister?!"[/color] He exclaimed, looking at Clarissa. Obviously this chick had shown up when he had left the Academy - he would have assumed that Clarissa would have mentioned her at some point. [color=purple]"What's this chick like? Gods, I hope she's not like Skye, I have enough people on my "To Die" list as it is."[/color] He said with a roll of his eyes. He also hoped that Skye wasn't too close with her - he didn't need some bigger version of Clarissa hunting him down for harming her baby brother. [color=purple]"Hey, if she's hotter than you, give her my number, yeah?"[/color] He added jokingly with a laugh, sending a cheeky wink to both of the girls.