[Center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Amelia%20Garcia&name=Precious.ttf&size=100&style_color=9605A3[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/b8e51e46f4756ceddad2ec29d184e9cb/tumblr_inline_nu4m2jGvAW1s5h9ix_500.gif[/img][/Center] [hr][hr] Feeling Charlie cling to her hand tightly; Amelia squeezed his hand back gently. A soft, yet reassuring gesture. She was letting him know she was there for him...his greeting sounding a bit awkward, as he did not know many of the older siblings. Seeing the heads of the family; Amelia put on her best charming and warm smile. Standing straight, her head held high before she addressed Reginald and Cassiopea....also somewhat addressing everyone else that was present; since they could hear her talking "It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Amelia Garcia...Charlie's friend." she extended her free hand out towards the pair to shake. Even though, she felt a nervous wreck inside. She wanted to make a good impression. Her smile grew slightly more nervous and she was sure, Charlie could feel her hand beginning to sweat. Her hand clinging to his a bit tighter for reassurance...people would think, they were a couple. When Amelia had a chance to glance at the majestic private Jet-her jaw dropped slightly. It looked more like a flying palace. The inside was even more fascinating than the outside...so many seats, tables...the entire design, made it feel like a house...rather than a normal plane. It took Amelia a few moments to stop staring in shock. She knew the family was powerful and wealthy...but this was not something she expected. It was only a matter of moment, before more people arrived and started to get on the jet. Shrugging off her coat along with her scarf, Amelia revealed [url=http://www.dhresource.com/albu_297750207_00-1.0x0/dresses-fall-and-winter-clothes-new-elegant.jpg]the dress[/url] she was wearing beneath. Setting it down, on one of the leather seats present. Making sure to be near Charlie, for easy and comfort. Amelia then excused herself and she found the nearest restroom; closing the door behind her. She leaned against it and she sighed. "Alright, just take a deep breath Lia. This is going to be okay. They don't bite...at least...let's hope they don't." she muttered to herself. It was a strange habit of hers' the more nervous she felt, the worse it would get. Turning on some cold water; Amelia splashed her face..the water felt refreshing and it seemed to have cooled her down a little. Washing her hands and then drying them and her face. Amelia turned off the tap before she returned back to where the others were. Catching Marisol speaking in Russian; she looked impressed. As far as she knew, Charlie's Model sister was originally from Spain. Marisol caught Amelia's look and she smiled over at Charlie's friend, whilst still standing near Tatia. "So, you're Amelia. Charlie spoke about you a few times. I am Marisol...feel free to call me Mari." she extended her hand out to Charlie's friend. Feeling her cheeks turn a little pink, Amelia blushed feeling a bit flustered. "He has?" A soft smile on her face. Shaking Marisol's hand softly. "It's nice to meet you too." she answered back, before she flashed a smile over to Tatiana who stood with Marisol and Wyatt. Okay, maybe she could do this and converse...with someone else that made her feel at ease already. They seemed friendly...approachable. Not someone that might bite her head off and judge her. Marisol smiled at her kindly with a soft nod. "He has..it's nice to meet you in person." she flashed a smile over to her little brother Charlie, giving him a nod of approvement with a soft smile. "You have a nice dress." she commented, on her outfit. The comment made Amelia smile softly. "Oh thank you." The dress had been an old favorite of her's. It had been a while since she wore it...only wearing it during the Winter months. So Amelia, decided to bring it out again and wear it for the journey.