Here's my CS, ya old fucks. Read em and weep. [hider]Name: Carrie Kidd Species: Vampire Age: 24 Appearance: Carrie's heritage is hard to pin due due to the mixed marriage of her mother and father. While her father is some sort of asian and her mother is a strong independent black woman, Carrie looks a lot like her mother such as her overall build and caramel skintone, but with some features from her father such as her eyes, the shape of her face, and overall statue. She has long, thick black hair and a is fairly tall frame, a bit of the lanky side however, the perfect build for a basketball player really. Carrie makes efforts to make herself look good but otherwise may come off as plain when more casually dressed. Some people who notice her asian features may think she's a "[url=]ganguro[/url]", but she's naturally like this. She does have white-highlights in her hair though. Has large, ample breasts. J-cups. Personality: Carrie can be... Absent-minded at times. She's very aimless, very free-spirited, and often thought as foolish. A woman of passion and energy, she doesn't really think much about her future nor of logic. That being said, she's capable of being cunning on the fly and startling good at adapting to new, wild situations within a blink of the eye. Carrie is also fanatically loyal; one thing she values most above all else is one's loyalty, in whatever form it takes. Be it to your family, your business, or just your own code of honor. Loyalty above all else. Thus she hates traitors and the like, including those who lie about their loyalties for another. Equipment: Carrie's day job is that of a (Freelance) security officer, so she often has her 24 inch collapsible steel tonfa. She has a bench press model 49-01 balisong, a gift from her father, which she uses for general purpose knife needs. She has pepper spray for nonlethal take-downs and a variety of cuffs and restraints suitable for people and animals. She also has zip ties if she's pressed for time and can't use her handcuffs. Her security uniform (Fitted for her) comes equipped with a harness to carry her equipment as well as a ballistic vest to absorb small arms fire from up to ten feet or more. Out of uniform, she typically only carries the knife. Background: Carrie has always been a flighty woman, her life filled with fantasy. She had the potential to be a real contender. An athlete, an actor, a preformer, whatever she wanted. But Carrie never stuck with one thing, and often chased her passions wherever they went. Her parents were fairly supportive of her freelance-lifestyle and did all they could for her, though Carrie made sure to repay them by picking up odd jobs and keeping herself out of trouble. Recently, with lessons from her ex-girlfriend, Carrie has proven to make for a fine security officer. If she ever bothered to pass the written portion of the police exam, she may have access to full deputation of the law. Alas, Carrie had little interest in joining the police force, and was more interested in just finding new things to interest her. So one day while out in the club, she met this strange fellow, and what shortly followed after could only be called a bloodbath.... Extra: Carrie is pretty close to her folks. Her mother is a defense attorney while her father runs a jewelry store, both who live in California. Carrie is a decent fighter, showing to have much skill with her tonfa as well as grappling. Very good athleticism and more importantly, balance; she boasts that she could run an entire marathon and play most sports while wearing high heels, and she can prove it too. She's allergic to bullets, which is why she doesn't use a gun.[/hider]