Etzer was at the door when he heard the screaming and yelling and gunshots. His hand was on the door prepared to open it. He could leave them behind with the marines and go on to try to get to the helipad in time, or he could delay himself to help them. He also didn't know what was behind the door, and could use the extra backup/meat shield. "Goddamnit!" Etzer turned around, heading back for the armory. The light was shining through the wide open door, and he could see what was going on from where he was standing. They had to dive behind a counter, and one of the chicks' ear was bleeding. Without warning, he pulled the pin from the grenade and threw it into the smoke coming from the doorway leading back to survivor preceding. After that,meh started firing his magazine into the smoke, followed by an explosion from the grenade. The ceiling of the hallway to survivor processing caved in, leaving them with only one way left to go. "Hurry up, I don't want to spend anymore time dealing with these goddamn freaks!" Etzer then ran back through the hallway he just came. [i]Thats the last time I'm saving them![/i]