[center][h3][color=darkslategray]Luca Warren - Raven Queen's Attendant[/color][/h3] Location: The Streets of Actium[/center] Having finished the bun he had started on, Luca made it nearly three quarters of the way across the square before the sound of a sharp impact caught his attention. Shouted words followed, and another muffled thump before whatever ordeal was taking place ended. Curious, Luca stood in place for a long moment, looking around. Moments later, a small voice caught his attention and he looked down to behold a red-haired young girl. Concern washed over his face when he saw blood and her tattered dress, and he took a knee next to her. The strange manacle held his attention for a moment, but was of less concern than the girl's needs. [color=silver]"Poor girl, you must be cold and hurting,"[/color] he said, raising a hand to smooth her hair. [color=darkslategray]"Let your worries and hurts pass on, and be embraced by the Queen of Winter that she may protect you."[/color] As he uttered the blessing, his hand glowed with a soft blue light for a moment. The air around them grew heavy with magic, and Luca sighs as some of his vitality leaves him. The spell would cure the waif's hurts and shelter her from the cold wind for a time. Leaning against his staff, he closes his eyes for a brief moment. [color=silver]"You're probably hungry as well, yes?"[/color] he soon asked. Reaching into the folds of his robe once more he extracts the bundle of rolls he had just purchased. Undoing the knot, Luca presents it to the beggar. [color=silver]"I have little coin as it is, but please share in this. Have you a warm place to stay tonight? I was about to secure a room, but I'm sure it will be big enough for the both of us,"[/color] he offered, holding out the food. There was no way he could let the young girl stay out in the storm, even with his spell the elements might prove lethal.