Alisha didn't think going back for their stuff was the best idea. She was not missing anything that she couldn't go without or that wasn't easily replaceable. At least not enough to risk her life or others for. She could totally go without her drivers licence, the keys to her apartment and bike, her two credit cards, her old cell, her coffee punch card, and the 50 bucks in cash that she had on her when the agents captured her. Clothes could be gotten elsewhere without any risk, so in Alisha's opinion it seemed like a terrible idea. She quickly wondered if Daz had lost something important to him, like a lucky charm, or family heirloom. She really was not at all gungho for that idea, even with Daz's stating it would be easy. Lucas had a bullet hole in his shoulder, the two younger girls Tina and Brittany looked like they were going to piss themselves, and judging by how bad the pain in her ankle was when she moved it, Alisha suspected it was more likely broken rather then sprained. Marjoire also made a good point about the cellphones being traceable. In fact using their credit cards was also tractable, and their I.D.s had their addresses on it so going back to their own homes was probably the worst idea ever, as it would most likely be the first place the agent bastards would look. She had a high suspicion the that agents and facility had something to do with the government, or at least had the same kind of man power and tech. [color=bc8dbf][b]"I don't really see the need to get our stuff. I mean I understand if your totally against stealing, but...I can't see going back for any reason other then saving the others, but they're all...gone." [/b][/color] She said calmly. [b][color=bc8dbf]"If you really need your ID or something, I know a guy in Las Vegas that makes fake ones. And keys to your house or something aren't really necessary, when you could just port in. Its not like we can go home anyway, they know where we live. I just don't want to risk it." [/color][/b]Alisha said bluntly hoping to convey that everything was basically replaceable, even if braking some little laws was in order, safety was one of the top priorities for the moment. The longer they stayed in the alley, the more antsy Alisha got. Not that anyone could tell, as she typically didn't show her emotion on her face. Other then the occasional farrowed brow or clenched fist due to the pain in her ankle, she had a relaxed stoic face. All she wanted at the moment was like 50 glasses of ice water, a shower and something clean to wear.