Godric sat on a damp stone, sharpening the long sword across his lap. The cave reeked of decay. He and his fifty undead minions had been camped in this shallow cave east of Gallowsford for nearly three months now. He was used to this routine by now. He would receive his orders, carry them out as quickly as possible, and then return to this filthy dungeon for some ungodly amount of time. Since his banishment from the city, he had been given the task of cleaning up the messes of the master wraith of Gallowsford. Most of the time it was simple work, like hunting down an imperial patrol that wandered too far into the forest, or scaring away a band of foolish fortune-seekers. But not this time. A lesser undead soldier came to Godric as he sat. "Riders have come from Gallowsford, my lord" it told him. A group of lesser undead, led by a lesser revenant marched towards him. This was the usual sort of rabble that Gedeon the Red, the wraith of Gallowsford sent to him, though something was different about these ones. Usually, they would bear the symbol of a blood red hand on their shoulders, which was the mark of Gedeon. However, these ones bore a crude image of a black sun, with a white dot in the center instead. Godric stood as they approached him. "Ah, I see Gedeon has decided to abandon his ugly banner for an even more distasteful one" he said. The leader smiled with broken teeth. "Gedeon's banner is no more" he told Godric in a scratchy voice. Godric hesitated for a moment. What insolent threat was this? He thought of grabbing his sword from behind him, but resolved to give this pest a moment to explain why he should not be cut down wher he stood. "What is this?" he demanded. "We come with orders for you and your men" the lesser revenant said commandingly. "You are to move your encampment north towards saviour's pass, and meet with a larger force already stationed there". Godric grew angrier with every word. How dare some foreign host give him orders like this. "Who, if not Gedeon, dares to command me?" he shouted. The leader smiled again, and said "We answer to the black tower". Dragonblade tower? Godric had thought nothing of the rumours of the new inhabitant within that dark palace, but they seemed now to hold some truth. Still, he only laughed at this statement. The messenger looked irritated. "It is unwise to disobey those greater than you, Godric" he said. Godric stopped laughing suddenly, and he grabbed the messenger's neck. The lesser revenant's expression turned to fear. "Perhaps you still need convincing" he said, and he signaled for one of the lesser undead to come forward. It held a bag in it's hands. The bag was opened, and it's contents fell to the floor: head of Gedeon the Red. "Gods have mercy..." uttered Godric as he stepped back, astonished. This was the work of something far more powerful than the ragged band that stood before him. Gedeon was one of the most powerful wraiths west of the iron mountains. "You will answer the call of Magnor Dragonblade".