[hider=Kaze Elwynn] [h2]Kaze Elwynn[/h2] [b]Pokemon:[/b] Suicune [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Hometown:[/b] Cerulean City, Kanto [b]Level:[/b] 20 [b]Ability:[/b] Water Absorb [b]Moves:[/b] [indent]Hydro Pump Extrasensory Tailwind Bite Bubble Beam Rain Dance[/indent] [b]Legendary Powers:[/b] Kaze can cleanse an object or substance of impurities at a touch. However, this power is not without its limits, as Kaze's energy is drained every time he uses this power. At present, he can only cleanse an amount of a substance of a mass around equal to his own without falling victim to unconsciousness. While he can thereby cleanse small, lightweight Pokemon of the Power Plague while only suffering from an increase in appetite, larger Pokemon that he would aid absorb greater levels of energy. As a result, Kaze typically keeps an excess of berries and energy-rich foods on-hand to still this side effect. [b]Held Item:[/b] Soothe Bell [b]Other Supplies:[/b] Chesto Berry (x3); Oran Berry (x5) [b]Appearance:[/b] Since being chosen for the avatar of Suicune, Kaze has undergone a number of transformations. His youth was massively enhanced, and his eyes became brighter, changing from a natural dark blue to a luminous red. Another major change was to his hair, which became a nearly neon cyan, albeit with one lock of violet among his bangs. Kaze was also branded with a diamond-shaped white rune on each bicep, much like the patterns found on his Pokemon. Originally, Kaze was nothing spectacular in build, and while Suicune's choice of him brought about no change in size, he very quickly discovered an increase in athletic ability when muscles in certain areas of his body (mostly his arms and legs) were strengthened to better suit his purpose. With a sudden augmentation of his physical pigmentation, Kaze saw a need for an upgrade to his previously bland wardrobe. Now he embraces the colors of the Legend he embodies, with bright blues, white, and violets serving as the major tones in his garb, among which is a prized white bandanna which trails behind him akin to Suicune's ribbon-esque tails, and a sky blue jacket adorned with white rhombi. [b]Personality:[/b] From his earliest memories, Kaze recalls always desiring to aid the sick and downtrodden. In school, he would always lend his lunch to his fellow students who had forgotten or lost theirs. His parents would also scold him on bringing injured wild Pokemon into their house when he would attempt to care for them. All-in-all, Kaze has always been self-sacrificing. However, this has proven to be a major weakness at times. When he'd bring himself to harm in order to save endangered Pokemon, he would press on, ignoring the dangers and occasionally result in trips to the hospital. Even through his worst ordeals, however, Kaze refuses to accept help from others, being primarily concerned for the well-being of his "patients". His bravery, youthful innocence, and compassion were the traits that compelled Suicune to choose Kaze for his avatar. [b]Biography:[/b] Being young, Kaze's life has hardly seen anything spectacular. However, his love for Pokemon has always been strong, and when he was young, he imagined his parents' house a nursery for Pokemon and would always bring home Pokemon he thought needed help. One instance in particular saw Kaze chase a Poliwag suffering of a sprained ankle into Cerulean Cave. Not knowing of the dangers within, Kaze soon found himself face-to-face with a territorial Arbok. But Kaze was determined to rescue Poliwag and raced around Arbok to find it. After enduring a number of poisonous attacks from Arbok, Kaze emerged from the cave with Poliwag in tow. Unable to keep his feet beneath him, Kaze collapsed, falling head-first into the river. Some time later, Kaze would awake not far from Bill's cottage, healed of his wounds and finding Bill racing toward him. When Bill arrived with questions concerning Kaze's well-being, Kaze could only respond with, "I don't know." However, it was clear that something had aided both him and Poliwag, as Poliwag was fine when Kaze awoke. The detail he was oblivious to was that Suicune had been watching over him that day and had been the one to rescue him. So, when the time came for the Legends to be given avatars, Suicune specifically requested Kaze. Kaze would never forget the day. Three weeks prior, on his birthday, he had finally been allowed his first Pokemon: a Chingling he had nicknamed "Jingle". Then, that fated day, Suicune approached him, much to his astonishment (as Kaze had only heard of the Pokemon as myth). Reaching out to touch Suicune, Kaze found that the contact sent chills to his spine, and suddenly, the Legends braying became intelligent vocabulary. When Suicune described what was happening, and that Kaze had been chosen, Kaze immediately scrambled to the water to find his appearance drastically morphed. As was inevitable, Kaze's parents discovered the transformation, and decided to move to the Hoenn region. Specifically, to the heart of all things busy: Mauville City. [hr] [h1]Jingle[/h1] [b]Species:[/b] Chingling [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Level:[/b] 10 [b]Ability:[/b] Levitate [b]Moves:[/b] [indent]Wrap Growl Astonish Confusion[/indent] [b]Held Item:[/b] Colbur Berry [/hider]