The Spanish beauty irritated tone echoed off of the hard glass mirrors of the gym, impatience tracing her determined features. They'd been trying to complete this skill for hours, attempting it over and over again. When she watched her trainer do it things which seemed so easy. He slipped under her body so effortlessly, throwing her over his shoulder like it was nothing. Why couldn't she? They had previously been practicing to help her master this move. "Okay, we'll try it again. This time take it slow," Esme nodded, and licked her lips to moisten the dry skin on her face. She took a moment to straighten out her shorts and recompose, sucking in a deep breath before raising her hands in the defensive stance and nodding in approval. Her master stepped forward, throwing a punch in slow motion. Esme shoved it away using the defensive portion of the skill before moving in for the offense. Her hand slid past his shoulder and over his shoulder blades until she felt his belt. In a matter of seconds she had grabbed onto it, and assumed the position perfectly: Her body under his in a parallel manner, back pressed up against his chest. The dark beauty was preparing to do the small, unsuccessfully hop that she'd been practicing for hours now when her trainer stopped her. "Stop, stop, stop," He called out, tapping her side with his free arm. She let go of his belt willingly, but didn't move, thinking that maybe he would show her where to go from the position they were in. "Your legs are too far apart. It's dispersing your weight. You’ll never be able to use this throw with your footing like that." Esme looked down at her bare feet, and sighed. Esmeralda loved to learn Sambo, but things such as this confused her. In Muy Thai she had been taught to always let her feet be apart in some manner, to maintain balance. If she brought her feet together such as he was suggesting then she would lose her footing, and he would fall on top of her – more than likely crushing her ribcage in the process. "Don't be afraid to lose your balance for a couple of seconds. Roll with the throw, you're not supposed to be left standing after this." Esme nodded and pulled herself out from under him so that she was standing straight up once more. Sambo reminded her of an odd combination between Brazillian jiu-jitsu, classic American kickboxing and Silat. She knew quite a bit about Silat, the style that she had trained with in Indonesia but as for American kickboxing, well, she knew very little about it. And Brazillian jiu-jitsu was a joke as far as the Spanish beauty was concerned. "Okay, let's start from the beginning. And we're going all the way this time. I'm tired of taking it slow." Her trainer nodded and smirked, resuming the stance that he had held earlier. And when he threw the punch, Esme was grateful that he had put all of his weight and power into it. That was the one thing she loved about her trainer – he didn't underestimate her. Esme shoved the punch away with graceful accuracy, and turned quickly. Her back hit his body, and this time she put a bit more of a shove into it as her hand gripped his belt. This prepared her for the big jump, the one that would throw them both. This wasn't part of the technique, but rather a last minute addition thrown in there to help the girl out. And it worked. She placed her feet close together, six inches apart exactly, squared right under her hips, before straightened her bent knees with force, leaning forward and rolling on top of the trainer as she completely the throw. The achievement was met with a bright smile from Esme, something that was consistent with her mastering difficult tasks. Moments like this reminded her that sometimes prior knowledge of other martial arts was sometimes the opposite of helpful. "Okay," Esme said, breathless from excitement rather than physical demand. “Let’s do it about ten more times, and we will be done for the day." When they had first started their training with Sambo. Esme had let her trainer make the lesson plans, and schedule the conditioning. They finished up for the afternoon with a three mile run through nearby park, followed by basic conditioning in the gym, and a thorough stretch. Tomorrow her trainer would be teaching her a few more throws, and then they could focus more on grappling. Esmeralda grabbed her gym bag, and waved goodbye to her trainer before leaving the small small gym. She went straight to her lamborghini, beeping her car open and throwing her bag into the back seat before slamming it shut. Esme headed across the street to a nice hot spot where they served the best iced coffee with milk and cinnamon chip scones. Esme entered the shop, she was greeted by the friendly owner and was seated by the back booth. Right now, was the moment to relax before heading back to the reality of her life.