Varg looks at the room and shrugs, [color=666666]"Not really. I don't have a lot of stuff so I won't be taking up much space."[/color] he moves over to a bed next to Lennox dividing the beds down the middle, [color=666666]"As long as we don't get in each others way I don't really care."[/color] he sits down on the bed and pulls off his shoes, socks and shirt tossing them on the floor next to it and lays down. Sayuri frowns slightly at his attitude then sighs and turns to Lennox, [color=990000]"If you wanna wait that long sure. They're probably won't be much homework and we'll easily have enough time. A night to relax wouldn't be so bad. Well... first thing I'm gonna do is take a shower,"[/color] she walks over to one of her bags and starts digging through it and pulls out a tool bag, [color=990000]"Oh this reminds me. When I'm done I'd like to take a look at your guys weapons and check out their condition,"[/color] she takes out a set of clothes and make her way to the ajoined bathroom. She winks at Rosalia as she walks into the bathroom, [color=990000]"You're free to join me if you want. I'd welcom the company. Besides long ass hair like ours is a pain to wash on your own."[/color] When the door closes Varg scoffs, [color=666666]"Is she always this freaking annoying?"[/color]