[hider=My Hider][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Yato.%28Noragami%29.full.1835668.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Yato Gender: Male Godly parents: EBISU and Ame-No-Mi-Kumari. Sphere of control: God of Sea, fortune, and storms. Personality: Yato is a fun loving god that takes great pride in the fact that his shrines are in various places around the globe. He doesn't take many things serious and will even mess with others even while in a fight. Sacred animal: Shark Powers: Can make and control sea based storms including lightning and can summon/control sea creatures to do his bidding. Weapon(s) :Roller blades, blue katana History: Yato has a strong presence outside of Japan for a Japanese god. Not wanting to impose on his parents he decided to travel to other parts of the world spreading fortune to fishermen everywhere. Other: He loves to travel around the world and can speak many languages.