[color=0054a6][center][b]Rain Guardian[/b][/center][/color] [hider] Normal Appearance [hider][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jQ4NfjB.png[/img][/center][/hider] TYL Appearance [hider][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KyEQrhL.png[/img][/center] Known simply as 'The Serpent', or 'Il Serpente' in Italy, Hisaki has become a powerful assassin under the Vongola as their Rain Guardian. He wields Rain Flames, with Mist Flame abilities to compliment it. His main style is trickery. He hides his snake katana with Mist Flames, disguising it as a cane shortsword. His trickery around his weapon alone is as a result two-fold. He employs the use of Rain flames to augment his strikes and slow the opponent down, while using Mist flames to outpace them. To make up for his lower mastery of Mist flames, he uses small-scale illusions at an incredibly fast pace. He carries hidden throwing knives as an alternative combat option, known for striking them with his blade to throw them in unexpected ways and directions.[/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Hisaki Kawaguchi [b]Aliases[/b]: Namimori Serpent [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Male Combat Data [b]Faction[/b]: Vongola [b]Position[/b]: Rain Guardian Candidate [b]Flame[/b]: Rain [b]Equipment[/b]: [indent]Type Preferred - Sword with sheath weapons [b]Training Bokken with Sheath[/b]: A training sword with a specially made sheath.[/indent] [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Hisaki's fighting style is deceptively passive, moves slowly, then suddenly lashes out explosively at the right moments in a counter-attack. The way Hisaki personally fights is using deception, and baiting his opponents into making the wrong move. He employs an Iaido style of swordsmanship, as well as hand to hand to compliment it. He’ll often try to provoke his opponent though, which matches with his style. His rudimentary skill and precision is best shown in his ability to strike knives towards targets accurately as ranged weapons. [b]Techniques[/b]: Shinsuiryuu Original Techniques [indent][b]Ryuubi (Dragon Tail) [/b]- Backhanded strike with the sheathed weapon, before bringing himself into a draw stance. A standard pro-active move where the user strikes first. [b]Ryuusou (Dragon Claw)[/b] - A sideswipe attack using the blade handle as the contact point that simultaneously brings the blade into a draw stance. Used to parry. When he enters a draw stance with any of these two moves he can simply do normal slash and draw moves, or the special techniques below. [b]Totsukawa (Crashing River)[/b] - A simple dashing draw slash that if blocked can be appended into a Battou attack, converting it from an Iai move. [b]Niseiryu (Twin Crossing Dragons)[/b] - Two slashes in rapid succession before sheathing. [b]Senkou Shinryuuken (Flashing True Dragon Sword)[/b] - From any draw, a wide range slash that slashes everything around him. It’s not a simple horizontal cut, but a single slash that changes direction, intensity, and angle to strike multiple targets in key spots in a single swing. This is a draw technique and ends with a sheathing of the sword, and is the first advanced technique learned in this style.[/indent] Hisaki’s Original Techniques [indent][b]Jakatsu (Snake Slide) [/b]- Enters stance while dashing to the side. What makes this unique is that the footwork is so quiet and subtle that most of the time the attacker doesn’t know where he is based on sound and direction he moved out of their sight alone. This move will end with him entering a draw stance, where he can use the following, or any of his Shinsuiryuu techniques. [b]Jadoku (Snake Venom)[/b] - A slash that’s aimed at vitals or muscles, it requires the least amount of effort, and is often the best way to disable opponents, or defeat them without causing greivous harm. At the same time it can cause the most harm by striking more painful places instead. [b]Zanrouga (Slashing Prison Fang)[/b] - While in draw stance right before being struck he’ll execute Jakatsu backwards, then forwards past them in quick succession while slashing them once. [/indent] [b]Special Characteristics[/b]: [indent]Multiple Flames (Mist, not yet awakened). [/indent] [b] Personal Data[/b] [b]Background[/b]: Hisaki was born to a poor and neglective family, father and mother eventually were imprisoned, and he was sent off to his uncle in Namimori. He was a problem child, but his uncle’s dojo allowed him to better focus his emotions. He was an excellent student in the Shinsuiryuu Itto-ryu, or “True Water Dragon” style, a single blade style, but maybe a little zealous or rebellious, as he very quickly started developing his own techniques and style based around trickery, something his uncle isn’t happy about. The fact it was before he was even recognized a master of the style too added to this. Him being a problem child didn’t really stop though, it just was far less. He gained a reputation for being fairly provocative, and this didn’t sit well with the other juveniles and the gangs they formed, so he beat them up when they came looking for him. Because of the way he moved he was likened to the fast and sudden strike of a snake. This brought him to the attention of the Vongola in the area as well, partly due to his lineage, he was then recruited and it leads to now the present day. He knows little of the Vongola, but he sees joining them here as a chance to make use of his skills, something he’s painfully aware that won’t land him any jobs were he to choose to live a normal life. His uncle was actually once part of the Vongola, but fell ill, leaving him with some permanent damage to his body’s functions, preventing him from ever using his dying will flames, or exerting himself physically. Hisaki’s mother and father were actually traitors, and are currently imprisoned by the Vindice. His uncle is uneasy about his current involvement with the Vongola, as he wanted to lead his nephew on a more righteous path without involving himself with the world of Mafia. He is unaware of this so far. [b]Personality[/b]: Hisaki is a rather callous person, he would taunt his enemies snidely and sometimes if provoked, rather angrily and without relent. He has a softer spot for small animals, his favourite being lizards, and despite that attitude does have honor towards those who earn his respect, and not actually very easy to provoke, if anything most of the time it’s his opponents who are provoked. Those were the result of his discipline under his style of swordsmanship. Had he not gone under training and discipline he would have become a much less cooperative person. [b]Relationships[/b]: [indent][b]Reina Saotome [Friendly Rivalry][/b]: She attacked him believing the gang members he was brutally beating up were being bullied by him, that was not the case and they clashed. They are slightly at odds due to Hisaki's seeming disregard for others, though Reina was one of the few who earned his respect. It won't stop him from taunting her if they fight though. [b]Yoshiaki Sugihara [Acquaintance][/b]: The two have occasionally met on the account of him being Reina's friend, and that the both of them frequent the arcade. [/indent] [b]Nationality[/b]: Japanese, small quarter Italian. [b]Birthdate[/b]: 16th of July [b]Blood Type[/b]: No clue. [b]Height[/b]: 5’7 [b]Weight[/b]: 52kg [b]Likes[/b]: Fried seafood and egg dishes. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Arrogance. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Fighting games at arcade. [b]Talents[/b]: He’s talented with a knife, he hasn’t learned to, but he can learn to make high class sashimi if he put time into it. [b]Family[/b]: His uncle, Touya Kawaguchi, and his parents, Sako and Jiro Kawaguchi. [b]Character Theme[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7D1Ypu_a8A]Gluttony Fang[/url] TYL: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6cywb27SxY]Gluttony Fang II[/url] [b]Other[/b]: [/hider]