[i]“Заткнись вам мать!” Viva snarled at him[/i] [b]"Viva watch your language ... I think ... we have guests"[/b] Noah said, keeping the bravado without pause. He hadn't a clue what Viva said, but assumed it was unpleasant. The situation was going from bad to worse when Loire walked right into an ambush, it didn't help Noah from a bartering standpoint either, he'd just given Naomi another captive to play with. Loire let out a surprised yelp when he was caught entirely off guard by Taggart, it didn't help that he had no military training whatsoever. EVen if he'd seen it coming, he'd have been powerless, he couldn't have been more out of place amidst the crew if he tried. Noah's gaze zipped straight toward the doctor, if anyone was going to fuck this up, it had to be Loire, surely, or so Noah suspected. He was a civvie, he wasn't really part of the crew, he'd plead and tell Naomi whatever she wanted ot hear and land them all in it. Noah suddenly regretted not killing Loire those few days ago, it could have dug him out of a hole right now. Loire didn't know what Naomi was talking about but he could tell she was dangerous and he was in no position to fight back, nor was Noah or Viva, and Valko was still high as a kite in the med bay. As bad as things were back on Noveria, this was actually a great deal worse. [b]"He's not with us."[/b] Noah said stiffly, if he'd actually felt anything for Loire, he'd have been hurt by the betrayed look the doctor gave him. He silently cursed himself for being so convincing, he actually had the doctor in the palm of his hand but he was of no use now. [b]"He's supposed to be a hostage, no one could replace Val, he's not here to stay, he's not part of the crew."[/b] Loire couldn't argue on that ... he [i]had[/i] been their hostage, but damn ... just moments ago Noah had said- ... He'd said so many things, it was a rather cruel betrayal. [b]"I-I can't fight, I don't know how, I'm just a civilian I swear."[/b] Loire's voice didn't falter, but it was evident he was afraid. He raised his hands up, yielding to Naomi and her thugs, as if he could do any harm anyway. [b]"You heard him, he's not a threat and he's no use to you anyway,"[/b] Noah was running out of ideas, any sudden move and anyones head could be blasted off and the only person who could patch them up was currently trapped in Naomi's clutches with a pistol pointed at him. [b]"Please, let me go."[/b] Loire pleaded, his scalp stinging where Naomi tugged his hair, he didn't dare move a muscle against her. [b]"Do we have a deal or not? 60/40 is a fair cut, stop messing around Naomi"[/b] Noah said, unfortunately, negotiation and patience were certainly not two of his strong points and he knew the longer they lingered, the more chances Naomi had to discover Val wasn't dead and once she figured out he'd lied ... well she'd certainly not accept a 60 percent cut thats for sure.