[h2]Candice Ghoste[/h2] The spy rolled her eyes at the alien's retort to her aid as she called upon her shield. Candice retorted as she got behind the shield to avoid one attack, "You know, a simple 'Thank you' would have sufficed," After waiting for a lapse in the monsters' attacks, she took her chance to fire back with her weapons, and she took cover behind another rock. She heard the bluetooth phone on her ear ring, and she tapped it, figuring it was from her superiors, "What?!" "[i]Candice! They're heading your way! The aliens you were observing! And one of them, a dark one with red and yellow streaks, is heading towards you at a fast pace![/i]" Candice hissed a swear under her breath after hearing the voice, realizing the one he was talking about was Mars. Who the hell told him?! She didn't want Mars in danger! She was going to have to find out later. She took her chance to fire at the monsters' again when she had the chance, now even more determined to finish this battle before Mars gets here.