Still work in progress, a placeholder... [hider=Seymour] Name: Lenwood Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 23 IGN: Seymour Race: Human Avatar: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Equipment: (Alright. Going down the listing, we've got hats, gloves, weapons, clothing (either top and bottom, or overall), and shoes. And a max of three accessories.) [hider=Equipment] Helmet - A classic iron helmet with its golden crescent moon. Weapons - Seymour uses 2 Katana. One katana is 120 cm length with jagged blade and the other katana is an ornately decorated and very long blade with a total length of 110 c. On the hilt of this blade is a crossguard, and The blade itself is pitch-black with a very strong sheen. Gloves - Armored glove like sleeves which covered the forearms Clothing - Seymour wears a samurai-style iron armor accompanied with an outlandish and gaudy blue overcoat. Iron scales were used to construct the armor. Below, it has thigh guards which tied around the waist and covered the thighs. These were made from cloth with small iron and or leather plates of various size and shape, usually connected to each other and sewn to the cloth. Accessory - Eyepatch. The eyepatch covered the left eye of Seymour. It is only for accessory and an addition to his clothing style, it is said it is enough to intimidate weak enemies. [/hider] Level: 98 Skills: (Just... Well, list them and what they do, I guess. Anywhere from 1-10 is fine for the moment, though if you can make a compelling argument I might be willing to negotiate.) Personality: (Self-explanatory.) History: (Also self-explanatory.) Pets?: (Stuff stated above. Pets can be WHATEVER, so long as they don't decide to spontaneously become apocalyptic doombringers and start ruining everyone's lives.) Other: (Whatever else you wanted to slip in.) [/hider]