Because OC memes looked fun, I got some questions of my own to answer too! [s] If they were already answered by Sen then whoops.[/s] DISCLAIMER: The answers found in the meme is merely my own interpretation of the characters (or just cause it's funny if they were such) and is no way canon unless it is. [hider][list] [*][b]In a crowded space, do they get out of people’s way, or do people get out of THEIR way?[/b] Get out of way: Kotori, Ryan, Toma, Shizuka, Gen, Alexei People get out of their way: Chiaki, Jun, Akane, Masa, Alexei (yes he can go both ways) [*][b]How do they handle eye contact?[/b] Shy away: Kotori, Shizuka Avoid/Look away: Masa, past!Ryan Wink at person: Jun, Chiaki, Matt [*][b]How would your OC describe their best friend in one word?[/b] Sato towards Rokurou: [i]ABS[/i] [*][b]Which oc is the biggest pushover?[/b] Ryan [*][b]Which oc does the best job taking care of plants?[/b] Obv Matt and Kotori [*][b]Which oc can run the fastest in high heels without tripping?[/b] Probably Chiaki and Shizuka [*][b]Which oc gets a giant teddy bear as a prize at a carnival?[/b] Alexei easily gets one for Elena Noboru and Matt tries hard several times until they get one for Chiaki and Shizu Jun and Kami tries a couple of times but end up buying one for unnamed girls and Ayano Rich boys like Sieg tries once then ends up buying from the stall [*][b]How would your ocs refer to themselves if they spoke in japanese (using watashi, boku, ore, etc)[/b] Ore: Rui, Matt, Noboru, Alexei, Masa, Akane, Mako, Sieg Boku: Gen, Ryan, Toma, Sato Watashi: Leiko, Kotori, Jun, Ayano, Kami (?) Watakushi: Chiaki, Shizuka [*][b]Which oc would flirt and which oc would think they’re just being a pal?[/b] Flirt: Jun, Matt, Chiaki Flirted on: Akane?, Kotori/Shizu, Noboru [*][b]oc1: aw, babe, you had a crush on me… how embarrassing. oc2: we’re married. oc1: still.[/b] Oc1: [s]Rokurou[/s], Noboru, Matt, Ayano Oc2: [s]Sato[/s], Chiaki, Shizuka, Kami [*][b]Your ocs now live under the same house, do their daily routines mess with each other’s? Do they drive each other up the wall or would they get along?[/b] Try to get along: Kotori, Leiko, Alexei, Shizuka, Toma, Matt, Gen Does their own thing: Ayano, Ryan, Masa, Rui, Jun, Chiaki, Kami Argues/Disagrees with others: Akane, Noboru, Mako, Sieg, Sato [*][b]Which ocs know how to save money and which ocs are always broke at the end of the month?[/b] Save money: Alexei, Kotori, Leiko, Gen, Masa Broke: Matt, Ryan, Akane [*][b]What pokemon element type would your oc be?[/b] Rui: Steel or Dragon Matt: Flying or Electric Kotori: Water or Grass Kami: [s]Ghost,[/s] Psychic or Ice Leiko: Water or Flying Ayano: Ghost or Psychic Alexei: Fighting or Rock Sato: Ice or Water Akane: Fire or Fighting Toma: Steel or Flying Mako: Fighting or Ground Chiaki: Poison or Fairy Noboru: Rock or Fire Shizuka: Normal or Fairy Sieg: Water or Electric Jun: Dark or Poison Gen: Psychic or Water Masa: Dark or Ghost Ryan: [s]Fairy,[/s] Ice or Ground (I just realized I forgot bug type existed but I'm already done oh well) [*][b]Which oc would Mamoru Miyano voice? Who would have the honor?[/b] Honestly, probably Sato, Kami or Masa if we're going with his stereotypical cool type characters [/list][/hider]