[center][color=gray][h3][b]Higōhō Hyuga[/b][/h3] „[i]Bastard[/i]”[/color] [img]http://s18.postimg.org/c7c7yjdeh/Hyuga.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=engw7QVPnGE]Tokyo, where ya from?[/url] @.. well everyone in the fight.[/center] [hr] Higoho inched slightly backwards, deciding to not attack right away. The situation was changing rapidly, and it seemed to be largely in his favor. Never the less, currently he figured it'd prove too stupid to charge the red-head, since he had managed to stay upright for the most part. If it weren't for the many clones created by that asshole guy on the rooftop earlier, it was likely Higoho would have had to defend himself. But now that didn't seem to be the case as the man was preoccupied by clones, intangible clones from the look of it. Higoho just shook his head. [color=gray][i]“Cheap trick, can't believe it,”[/i][/color] he said as he adjusted himself to face towards the right slightly. An attack had been foiled by another red-headed chap. This one seemed to be Confederate, however. [color=gray][i]“The fuck are you doing, fucking bastard. This is [b]my[/b] fight, so get the fuck out.”[/i][/color] he sneered at Tatsuya, being able to see him through the steam through his byakugan. He got ready to fight again, getting in the [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/9/9c/Ep46hinata.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20141010105358]standard Gentle Fist style position[/url]. He was going to charge the blue-haired Red Sage that had attempted to shoot him down with some water. The blue-haired bastard made some more mist, but such a cheap trick didn't work to overcome his byakugan. Higoho ran forwards, towards Tatsuya, and then grabbed the boy in the collar, stopping Tatsuya from attacking anyone at all with his sword. Given the mist and steam, it was unlikely that Tatsuya would realize who did it, unless he guessed from the direction it came from. Holding on to his collar, Higoho shoved him aside lazily, seemingly not caring that this was a confederate ally. [color=gray][i]“Go be a shithead somewhere else, bastard.”[/i][/color] he yelled out at the same time. It was highly ironic in fact, that Higoho, whose name meant 'illegitimate', was calling others bastards. In fact, he was probably the only bastard out of all those he had called bastards. [i]Something to think about.[/i] Higoho didn't care. After dealing with that pesky red-head Tatsuya, of which Higoho didn't know the name ofcourse, he bolted forwards towards the blue haired Red Sage. The blue-haired boy with the name Nori most likely wouldn't realize the presence of Higoho until it was too late. Higoho sprinted towards Nori, preparing his hands, before striking at him in the stomach. [color=gray][i]“Hey, [b]ugly,[/b] look at me when I'm fighting you!”[/i][/color] he said while his hand was sent through the air. If the hand would hit, or fly relatively close past the stomach, Higoho would send out chakra using his gentle fist style, invisible to the naked eye unless one possessed such a kekkei genkai such as the Sharingan or the Byakugan. If his attack was succesful the tenketsu of Nori would be harmed, subject to Higoho's chakra being sent into them, which would cause internal damage to his organs. All in all, [i]quite the painful ordeal.[/i] And the boy likely had made it harder for himself to even notice the attack given the mist jutsu. [b]What a dumb shit..[/b] And there was no reason to stop at one strike only. If his first attack connected with Nori's body, he'd rapidly send out his second hand towards the boys chest, repeating the same attack as before in an attempt to strike him through his tenketsu using his own chakra. [hr] [center][color=0F1230][h3][b]Seijo Tametomo[/b][/h3] „[i]Lady Commander Tametomo[/i]”[/color] [img]http://s17.postimg.org/ayvqs20m7/Souji.png[/img][/center] [hr] Seijo overlooked the battlefield casually while her newt walked up the stairs, ever so slowly. It seemed the fighting was calming down a little bit, since both sides had suffered some casualties now. Yuck. They'd deal with that later - if they won this battle, they could collect the wounded swiftly and possibly save some lives. [i]But not now. [/i]The priorities were different at the moment. In the distance she could see some battling going on between a bunch of confederates, and that.. guy. That red-headed red-wearing buffoon that found it necessary to introduce himself with the message that he was heterosexual. That had completely ruined his chances without even saying more than a sentence. And there was a blue-haired fellow as well, seemingly helping his comrade. It was hard to see [i]exactly[/i] what was going on, but she had faith that they would win. They were Red Sages after all! To the other side, she could discern Arima taking down some confederate fellow too, before jumping after a political head-honcho. Realizing full well that Arima wasn't as strong as he made himself out to be, she wondered if he'd survive this battle. 'twould be a shame if he didn't. She tapped her foot on Neki's back and bent over slightly, looking at Neki's head. [color=0F1230][i]“Neki, do me a favour and go help my stupid cousin.”[/i][/color] she said to him, asking him as nice as she could. [color=388B29][b]“Haiiiiiii, Tomotame-samaaaa..”[/b][/color] the newt bouldered with it's heavy voice. As Seijo stood bent over, she wasn't facing forwards and missed the large attack launched by a captain of hers, Katsuko Moto. As soon as she looked up and stepped off of the Newt, she looked up the stairs and saw some bodies here and there. She glanced back, spotting Yudai nearby only. [color=0F1230][i]“Uhh, nice work. Didn't know you could do that.”[/i][/color] she said, grinning at him and sticking up a thumb to him. She seemed under the impression that not [b]Katsuko[/b] had dealt with these guys, but rather that [b]Yudai[/b] had dealt with them. In fact she hadn't even noticed Katsuko rushing past - it was something that had become known as the [i]Curse of Katsuko[/i] under fellow Red Sages. Seijo always seemed to miss the moments where Katsuko did anything worthwhile, but always seemed to appear just when Katsuko messed something up. Meanwhile Neki the Newt had stepped off the stairs towards the left, and was headed to.. [i]assist[/i] Arima. [color=388B29][b]“Arima-sama.. here I comeeeeee..”[/b][/color] it said, while it charged into the group of shinobi that Arima had left for him. Neki used his tail to swipe left and right, throwing the shinobi off their feet and crashing them into nearby boxes and carts, even going as far as to send one of them flying towards Arima, narrowly flying over his head. [color=388B29][b]“Arima-sama... do you wish.. for me, to capture that politician in my mouth... you could impress some Red Sage comrades at the base later that way.....”[/b][/color] it said, waiting for an answer while it sluggishly looked in the direction of Arima. It was very obvious that Neki the Newt wasn't at home on land, given that it was moving about as fast as a man taking a leisurely stroll in the park. At the time that all occured, Seijo had already appeared at the top of the stairs, her hips swaying left to right seductively while she noticed Katsuko shoulderbumping some innocent little shinobi girls into oblivion. Not particularily impressive.. She kept walking towards the large doors that blocked entrance into the compound main building, where the commander was located. Just as she was about to speak to Katsuko, the dumb buffoon said some words that were probably meant to come off threatening, but only made him look like more of a fool. She pinched her nose bridge with two fingers while looking at the ground, noticeably concerned with Katsuko's idiotic behaviour. Giving Katsuko some time to spout his nonsense, she looked to the side at the girl that had just been swung aside by Katsuko. Then, she looked down at the ground, spotting some set of swords. Did they belong to that girl? She bent over, picking up the swords, before tossing them lightly towards the side, aiming at the ground in front of that girl. There was no specific reasoning behind it, perhaps it was meant to come off as a sign of good will, or a challenge to the girl to keep fighting, but for all Seijo knew that girl was dead. The moment was interrupted by Katsuko summoning his gigantic mace and sending it crashing into the door. Nothing came of it, only loud noises and a large shockwave. While others would likely be sent crashing down the stairs again, Seijo was trained well enough to make some chakra in her feet to keep her attached to the ground. She crossed her arms and as the smoke cleared, she looked at Katsuko with a frown. [color=0F1230][i]“[b]NICE WORK![/b]”[/i][/color] she yelled at him with spite. [i]Curse of Katsuko.[/i] She looked back to see if she could spot Yudai or some other Red Sage, and would then order them to go do whatever it took to take down that barrier. [color=0F1230][i]“YOU! You look more capable than Katsuko, go and figure out how to take down that barrier!”[/i][/color] she'd yell, visibly annoyed at the situation and Katsuko's lack of tact and subtlety.