[@KahleenCuthald] [@AbysmalDemon] Karen smiled. It seemed that her fellow Ravenclaws had thoughts similar to hers. Good, that made things simple. [color=92278f]"Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. If we use this time to practice, we can increase our chances of getting into the team. I have my own broom at home, I'll owl them later today for it."[/color] Karen thought on what exactly they should practice, in order to maximize the time they had. Since they would most likely be going for the positions of Chaser and Seeker, they would have to practice speed drills. She wondered if she should invite Bishop to their practices. She herself wasn't opposed to his being there, but her Housemates on the other hand, they may not be so keen to have someone from another House drop in with them. She decided that she would ask them later. Right now, they had to focus on the practices themselves.