[center][img]http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh592/TheAnarchangel/Charlie.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Charlie had remained quiet while his brothers and sisters arrived, all the while clinging to Amelia's hand. He even kept hold of it while Marisol hugged him, making it a far more awkward ordeal than it had to be. He did however place his other hand on Mari's back, which was actually more than he usually did while being hugged, leaving his arms hanging limp by his sides and waiting for the whole thing to be over. But he loved Mari and he was comfortable with her. More than most at least. When Amelia left to use the restroom, Charlie actually thought about going with her but that would just have been weird, even by his standards. As everyone talked and addressed their parents, Charlie began slowly and quietly backing up without even realizing it. He only stopped when he bumped into a flight attendant standing nearby. He quickly apologized then glanced around at the eyes that had drifted his way. He smiled, trying to pretend nothing had happened. As he shifted uncomfortably and wrapped his arms around himself, he spotted Gabe sitting nearby, looking even more uncomfortable than him. That was weird. Despite never actually having met, Charlie felt like he knew Gabriel pretty well. The eldest Carrington boy was an FBI agent, tracking down bad guys and saving the day like a real life action hero. That was soo cool. Growing up, Charlie had a picture of his brother in his head. It was a cool picture. He kind of wanted to [i]be [/i]Gabriel. His knowledge of his brother was mostly through online research though so he didn't actually know the man. But that's what this trip was all about, right? Getting to know the family. In a somewhat uncharacteristic way, Charlie made the first move and wandered over to sit with his big brother, making sure to keep Eric between them. His shoulders were tight with nerves as he rested his hands in his lap, squeezing the fingers of one hand with the other. When he looked up from staring at the wall opposite to them, he only partially looked around to Eric and Gabe, never actually looking at them. His lips moved around like he was trying to say something but eventually only settled on "Hi." He stopped fidgeting entirely then but kept staring at the wall. [@HalfOfLancelot] [@Undine]