[quote=@Jbcool] I don't mind you not being alright with infantry, in fact I'd say it should add interesting mechanics to the RP; feel free to carry on with the improvised profile. When not in your tank, you'll likely be armed as the 'base regiment' of your regiment is, this could mean you'll be given a las-gun and bayonet...who knows? [/quote] Acquisitions and 'acquisitions' are both things in the IG as far as I'm aware of. Hell pointed questions as to where he even got the thing might make for an interesting plot point. [quote=@Sarpedon] [@Agent B52] That's how gunners work, yup. You get the fancy joystick that overrides the gunner joystick and I mostly sit there and scream at the loader to load sabot rounds faster and shoot things when you're more interested in hitting them with your sword. And if the loader is busy I take over radio duties while he does whatever the hell. My character is pretty good about not being a heretic, likes getting along with others, and cooks well enough when informed that it's his turn. However he's also hard of hearing and yells a lot as a result. I'll see if I can pull together a character sheet real quick... Do you have a name for your Armoured Regiment? Can I randomly make some shit up about it? [/quote] Okay. Best to make the chain of command very clear before it causes drama IC or OOC. As for the armoured regiment, they were based on the current Dutch Royal Army: Relaxed and easy going during down time, professionally morose and dedicated when on the clock. There are two subtypes in the regiment: Those who volunteered for a life in the IG and conscripts drafted to make up numbers and meet the demands of the tithe. Volunteers are generally seen as nutcases on their peaceful agriworld home, they are adventurous, bold and prone to sick practical jokes. Conscripts tend to be more grounded and practical with a penchant for lazing about if the opportunity arises. Training consisted of two years of on-world prepatory training, then the standard IG 'en-route to the hellhole training'. Regiment specific history is fairly loose: Other than that one tank engagement in Jack's Bio I don't have anything set in stone. Feel free to go nuts.