[@tex] after discussing with Savato.. [quote]Considering my silver allows me to detect chakra signatures of those who directly interact with it, could I discern which shinobi is Niro due to the mist being practically flooded with his chakra, despite the fact that I'm not familiar with the chakra of anyone on the battlefield?[/quote] I don't think your character would be able to 'know' the chakra signature from the mist only, given that you're not sensory/have sensory techniques. However if this person wanders onto your silver, you'd ofcourse be able to detect him. [quote]Further inquiry would be, would I even be able to discern different chakra signatures, generally speaking? Or would you consider that a sensory-specific talent?[/quote] Sensory only, unless the character is so strong they're literally radiating chakra (i.e Madara or someone of that calibre.) Besides that I encourage you all to duke this out personally before coming to me or Sav or J8 - these are custom jutsu and we don't really know the specific limitations that would be placed onto them.