[b]Character Name:[/b] Nyx Miles [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Terran [b]Homeworld:[/b] Borlix, the world that can easily be described as a 'junkyard with an atmosphere'. Most planets often send junk or wrecked ships here to be recycled and broken down into spare parts. Where there isn't a junked ship or garbage it is a desert. It's a fairly large planet run by one person, who 'adopts' orphans and puts them to work on anything they can get their hands on. It also from time to time supplies parts to various ships. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Nyx] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/fe21/i/2011/075/2/7/red_tech_sci_fi_by_shiramune-d3brb30.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personal History:[/b] Nyx's family died while serving DefCom, and as a result she was put up for adoption when she was no older than six years old. She lived with a few different families, but ultimately ended up on Borlix. The young Nyx didn't understand why she was trapped on this dead end world, but she decided to make the best of what she had. She decided to try and study the parts and materials she worked with each day, and eventually became a part of the small crew in charge of installing parts into ships that passed by the planet by age fifteen. She still worked to recycle with the other children, but was given more leeway to slack off due to her increased importance. When she wasn't required to work, she often watched the sky, because without light pollution from any kind of proper cityscape, she could make out every star and comet in the night sky and the brilliant moons of Borlix during the day. She dreamed about going up into space and escaping the day to day of Borlix. So she decided to hitch a ride on the next transport that showed up for repairs. It was about three years later when one was desperate enough to pay for the replacement part. She hid on the DefCom ship, managing to hide until it was far enough away from the planet the returning her would end up being more of an annoyance than anything else. She was found after a crewman was checking the cargo bay to make sure that they were still prepared for their mission. She was deemed a civilian on the ship and told to wait until after their mission for her fate to be decided. As she watched the fighters dance in space and the operation be carried out, Nyx decided then and there to join DefCom. Shortly after being dropped off on a League planet, she enlisted and met the requirements. In the academy she became known for her piloting and engineering skills. She could fix and fly a ship just as well as anyone, though she tended towards tricks and silly antics, thus having her be shot down from taking any sort of piloting role. She served on one ship as an engineer, and during a surprise attack, she went against orders and piloted a ship of a pilot who had fallen ill. Her actions carried the day, but the captain was conflicted on whether or not to court martial Nyx over her actions and going against her orders. In the end, he decided to recommend her for the new fighter squadron, Wylde Fyre. She was accepted as a pilot, and this is her first time being in a squad. [b]Personality:[/b] She prefers to work on her own plane, liking to know what parts go into it and altering how it feels on her own. She takes pride in her ship, as it's her first time being trusted with a plane of her very own. Nyx is very intelligent, but lacking in knowledge when it comes to formations and strategy. She's a very skilled pilot in her own right, however, capable of handling her ship in whatever the universe throws at her. Nyx has a tendency to carry around food. From places that people don't understand how she managed to take it. She tends to force people to eat if she doesn't see them eat in a few days, often going so far as stealing food from the cafeteria to feed people. She's still a little new to the idea of free food for everyone. Nyx also wears her goggles at all times, even when she sleeps. Nyx also loves visiting new worlds and seeing what the universe has to offer. However, just as the cat, her curiosity also manages to get her into a lot of trouble. She tends to joke a lot in fights, when relaxing, and pretty much any time she wants to make a joke. She also likes to have fun on missions, stating that 'even if she's a part of the military, she's going to have fun with it'. [b] Gear and Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] Standard Pilots Suit (Teran model, painted red) [*] M8 Kenaz sidearm [*] M54 ABR Carbine [*] M36 Tactical Knife [*] Smoke Grenades [*] Thermal Vision Goggles (usually around neck) [*] Toolbag [*] Varying amounts of food (not regulation, usually stolen) [/list] [b]Fighter Customisations:[/b] A red handprint on the underneath of the cockpit and teeth painted on all of the engines. [b]Optional:[/b] [url=http://listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=afA5Ta672SM#-ERROR%C3%A3%C2%80%C2%90_Miku_Hatsune_and_Kaito%C3%A3%C2%80%C2%91_English_Subs]Character Theme[/url]