[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GJFjD1b.png[/img] [h2][color=a187be]Tetsuba Zaisette[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] A positive outcome, despite the missed jutsu. Nobody had really acknowledged Zaisette's presence from the looks of it, except for the water style user who only paid him a fleeting glance before casting a jutsu. [color=mediumaquamarine][b]"Hiding in Mist Technique!"[/b][/color] Niro shouted, scattering mist across the battlefield in an instant. Zay flinched momentarily, immediately widening the diameter of his pool in response to prevent losing his vantage. That ninja was smarter than he looked, looking to escape as the odds for him and his loudmouthed ally hopelessly plummeted. The confederate shinobi overwhelmed them four to one now. but unfortunately for the haphazard red sage, his reflexive attempt to escape had actually [i]handicapped[/i] him against the Hyuga's Dojutsu. In a few moments, it would also give Zay full reign over the a considerable chunk of the battlefield. With his palms facing the floor, he silently fed his pool with two steady streams of silver, stepping further into the mist. It wasn't long before the edge of his goo gently encompassed what he assumed to be Niro's sandals, revealing the red sage's positioning immediately. But before he could assail him, another disturbance upset his pool's smooth surface. That's when Zay realized something he should've noted earlier. He wasn't familiar with the Chakra of [i]anyone[/i] fighting at the festival, and couldn't discern friend from foe with definitive results. One wrong move, and he could end up seriously wounding, or [i]killing[/i] one of his own allies while this mist persisted, or worse, he could end up dead [i]himself[/i]. Unthinkable! A moment later, he felt another presence upsetting the peace of his silver as it sprinted towards him and the other two shinobi with reckless abandon. It had to be that Hyuga. Those ripples weren't caused by that dancing [i]idiot's[/i] fanciful, albeit regrettably refined mobility. Ah well, it didn't matter much. The Byakkugan could see through the mist, and at the end of the day, it would've been less effort for Zay if Higoho could drop the mist ninja first. Once his pool reached around the fourteen yard mark, Zay felt three more shinobi in his radius. One several yards behind him, and two near the edge of the pool, on his left. That made six shinobi in total, only two of which he could confirm as foes. Without vision, or some signal of who was who, he wouldn't be of much assistance in this bloody mist. As much as he'd wanted to sit back and hope for the success of his allies, the situation was too frustrating for him to bare. Just because the Hyuga was advantageous, it didn't mean anyone else was in this dreadful mess of liquid fluff. It was time for a new plan of action, one that helped differentiate between the chakra signatures in his pool. But just as he was about to enact his ingenious strategy, several small projectiles sank into the pool in front of him, around where Nori, Tatsuya, and the Hyuga were fighting. They felt like Senbons, and judging by the angle of impact, their owner was behind him. Was it the lone shinobi approaching his back, and was he an ally? Whatever. Zay lifted his left hand, pulling two thin, curved fins of silver up from his pool with a small amount of chakra on either side of his body. With a flick of his hand, the fins of silver appeared rigid as they overtook his height, and spun around his body like a liquid fan, pushing the nearby mist up and away with a strong, circular gust of wind. The immediate area around him was cleared in an instant, giving him vision of Tatsuya, Nori, and the Hyuga as well. [color=00a99d]"Water Release: Water Bowl!"[/color] Nori shouted. Zay sighed profusely after putting so much effort into discerning the water ninja from everyone else. His shouting would've given him away if Zay had just waited a moment longer... Following its initial dispersal, the mist continued to spread away from Zaisette, albeit at a snail's pace, threatening to leave the air around his pool cleared indefinitely.