[@Silent Observer] {Meanwhile with Tholo, a Last Minute Decision to travel to an Old Friend} After a several hour anxiety filled flight, Tholo stood at the door of his destination. After his nap in the basement he made a decision of seeking advice from long time friend Bran, the head of all werewolves in North America, it was thanks to him they had come back so well after the events in Europe that had them nearly hanging by a thread to existence. It was Bran who had pretty much smacked the sense into him and made him stop pitying himself when he first came to America as well as after his second soulmate's death. The age gap was immense, Bran perhaps being the oldest werewolf in existence yet they shared similar life stories that not only were they friends but some could describe them like brothers if it wasn't the difference in appearance. "Tholo! This is a surprise," said Bran who gestured for Tholo to enter. "It was a last minute choice," Tholo answered. "Well I guess this isn't just for a simple visit," Bran said leading them to the living area of the house ",Katarina is currently out on a business trip so you won't have to worry about being ribbed." Katarina was Bran's soulmate, a were like him but instead of a wolf she was a coyote. Due to her Indian heritage, Tholo was the one to joke that she had some connection to the old stories from Indians about the mischief maker Coyote and whenever he visited now she usually tried to do some form of trick on him. "So what is it you need?" Bran asked sitting down. "Advice as well as a request," Tholo said sitting across from his friend and began the tale of his current dilemma with Trixy and their run ins. "I'm unsure if I'm ready and each time she pushes away it makes me more unsure," he finally finished ",I don't want the same fate to happen a third time." "Tholo, you must stop living in the past," Bran said ",What you went through is painful, no less painful then what you describe she has gone through. You both have lost those that you loved but don't let the hinder what you could have. You both need to, I doubt they either of your soulmates would of wanted you to live lives if coldness and be alone forever. They'd want you to move on eventually." Tholo let Bran's words sink in. Maybe he did need to let go more, not fear the future and just live in the present. "I need you to see if you can find anything on one of us," Tholo finally answered after awhile ",You know that after my past events I did some odd jobs for some sense of retribution. One was helping a vampire who I recently found out was killed after I had given some information to him for two packs." "Hmm yes the French packs were very hostile during that time due to the trials. Stubborn, and easy to agitated and very territorial. Dangerous dealing with them, this vampire of yours was taking a risk but I assume he must of had his reasons," Bran said rubbing his temples and gave an audible sigh ",I'll see what I can do but you know that time as well as I do. We had no records of packs and even now I'm trying to help figure out what packs are left, which ones were wiped out entirely, and even those that had split for them in Europe. It isn't easy, with no records its all by word of mouth and finding wolves around over a few centuries old is not easy." Tholo nodded."I know but just if you could try, it would help." [@Arkay] Scorn watched the bartender walk away the itch and pain subsiding again. To keep her thoughts from wandering to what was disturbing her she looked at the college students with slight annoyance. They weren't children anymore, they were becoming the impure adults she hated. Innocence they once had was gone and they were part of the grim truth the world revolved around. They way they looked at her made her assumptions true in her mind. Matters didn't improve when one after several drinks tried to hit on her. The conversation ended poorly for the young man when he was on the ground on agony after she had broken his nose after one to many comments and rude remarks. Blood from his nose was on her hand and she licked it off and then gave the groaning man a smile that would of made many scared out of their wits."Maybe you tempt me now, I wonder what your heart would taste like. Younger is always much tastier then older." He left her be after that and seemingly just returned to his friends, nursing his wounded nose as best he could before they would take him to a doctor to fix it. Scorn returned to waiting for Aria to return, knowing that perhaps what he was expecting wouldn't be what she was asking, and he probably be disappointed but at least that could be good, less likely chance of him hitting on her which would make her break his nose the same way she had done with the college student. She looked at the name on her arm, focusing on trying to figure out what he was. Perhaps the [url=http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/milkweed.jpg/567417471/milkweed.jpg]rune[/url] between the first and last name could help her out. Only problem was she had no knowledge on runes and their meanings.