[@metagros] [@kishin asura] [@thewizardguy][@ShadowVentus] [@tyki] [@Wraithblade6] Though a short time skip, everyone was brought to one location on earth, the desert where first contact with the clones had happened. The great knight Lucien had to return to the afterlife after a heartstring tugging reunion with his friends..and he did warn them of the likes of the chaos and the necron, for as his soul had traveled though a warp storm, it was only his magical powers that prevented him from being devoured by the demons of the warp. ((Now, anyone can bring thier characters here, via some short explanation. Kishin, you want Asura here? Fine. Eclipse shows up? That's good too. This is basically going to be me starting up a story that hopefully won't be as confusing or as infuriating as the chaos and the nids.))