Throbbing filled Halbera's head as she woke up slowly to the dying light of the sunset. Her lips parted to let out a groan, that's when she felt the rough rope on her body, the lack of armor, the weight of her sword gone from her hip. She squirmed for a moment to test the strength of her binds only to realize there was no use struggling in her weakened state. Her body was sore all over with several cuts still stinging though she could tell they weren't too bad. That is when Halbera remembered the explosion of vines and that helpless feeling as she had hung in the air. "I guess father was right." She glanced back and forth at the camp looking at all the screamers, and hate began to build in her heart. She pushed it away and looked over to the other captive. She didn't even know the man's name but it seemed they were to share a similar fate. "Hey! You awake? I'm Halbera... We need to start coming up with a way to get out of here..." She just then noticed her sash missing and rolled her eyes. "And to get my gear back... Bastards killed my horse..."