Using each other to strengthen themselves? The idea was interesting, if that actually worked it could be just the advantage they needed! Still, a Deve was plenty dangerous all on their own. Bunny was right about needing to band together at least, regardless of this link thing, they needed each other. Daz frowned, he didn't want to argue, especially since they had such valid points, but he needed his phone, at least to get numbers out of, and the necklace could be their only hope getting help. Some of the things Daz had heard... he couldn't trust people just because they were Deves, but he could trust the Fantoms. [color=ff3300]"It's not that I'm against stealing, I mean it's just cheap basic things we need to survive, but why shouldn't we reclaim our things? I understand though, not wanting to risk yourself for me, I'll take care of it."[/color] He had said it would be easy, going himself would be a simple matter. [color=ff3300]"I'll be back soon, once I'm in the city again I can find you."[/color] Taking a deep breath Daz steeled himself for a teleport. He was exhausted, but it wasn't far, just a bit more and this terrible day would be over. He disappeared with a [i]whoosh[/i]ing sound. [color=ff3300][i]"Wish me luck."[/i][/color]