[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/T87tGyq.png[/img][/center] [center][color=ed1c24][h3]Fagman[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] The girl jumped back after pushing away Mikoto's staff. She prepared her next jutsu, but, as always, Mikoto didn't seem to be in a rush at all. He straightened his back and then moved his head to get some of his hair out of the way. [color=ed1c24][b]"Well, it's your funeral."[/b][/color] A genjutsu. That much was obvious to Mikoto. It was the Uchiha girl's genjutsu AND some other guy's genjutsu. There was the sound of ringing bells. Mikoto could think of one way to avoid the latter and he was about to bypass the former, but he needed his ears right now.... He made the signs for his High Speed Jet jutsu and then shouted, [color=ed1c24][b]"Max output!"[/b][/color] The waterjet coming out from both ends of his staff became even more aggressive and was clearly starting to destroy the metal plates. [color=ed1c24][b]"Let's dance, then, milady. Dies Irae!"[/b][/color] He extends his right hand to the side as he holds his staff on the left hand. After that, he bows down as if to about to start his next piece. He then straightens out and dashes forward towards the Uchiha girl. Flames or not, he couldn't stay in the middle of the genjutsu, even if the girl was ready to receive him, not to mention that he had to get out of the range of the ringing bells. He needed to make short work of the Uchiha girl with whom his charms had failed, not that it was anything new, mind you. After positioning himself right in front of Kaori, he would bring his staff down on the girl and across her chest after spinning it some in her hand. After that, and catching the staff on his right hand, Mikoto would follow up with an attack directed at Kaori's knees. His staff wouldn't last long, so he needed to stay close, no matter what the girl did or how hurt he was. He planned on settling it right that instant. [color=ed1c24][b]"For the unsaved, the ardent flames of hell await."[/b][/color] He chanted quietly. It was unsure of whether he meant Kaori or himself. [hr] [@Nero]