[color=blue]"Well okay then."[/color] Lennox was calm as usually as he got comfortable on his bed and interlocked his fingers behind his head. He closed his eyes and crossed his legs before letting out a sigh. [color=purple]"I guess that's that then."[/color] Rosalia said calmly as she went over to her things to check on it all. Both Rosalia and Lennox seemed to say "Okay" in unison as the redhead proclaimed she'd be going to bathe. Then, Lennox opened his eyes when she brought up their weapons. Rosalia was fine, but he wasn't so sure. It wasn't a really big thing to get worked up over, but she'd better be careful. [color=purple]"Okay so I'll just..."[/color] Rosalia stopped mid sentence, her ear twitching slightly as she glanced at Sayuri. [color=purple][i]Join her? Bathe? T-t-t-together?![/i][/color] Of course she couldn't really mean anything inappropriate, but really! Was this just her messing with Rosalia. The girl's face was crimson. [color=blue]"Better hurry. 'Less you're gonna wait for one of us to help ya."[/color] Lennox scoffed a bit as he sat up obviously enjoying the reaction Sayuri got from the wolf faunus who immediately headed to the bathroom not even taking a second to worry about whether or not Lennox was kidding after grabbing her clothes. Once the girls were gone he sighed and turned to Varg since he'd spoken up after their leader had gone. [color=blue]"Honestly, I just met her like yesterday. So you know. I don't know how annoying she is. But compared to lots of people, she's pretty tame."[/color] He stretched a bit. [color=blue]"Still, she's the leader. So, might as well get used to it. Unless you know. You're planning to rock the boat. I don't mind a little conflict. Though I'm not sure who's side I'd join."[/color] The young man continued to remark before grinning and taking a deep breath. [color=blue]"WE CAN HEAR YOU ROSALIA!!"[/color] Lennox shouted quickly prompting a resounding yelp from the shower direction. This probably wouldn't be an all the time thing, but he'd seen her doubtfulness and her insecurity. He had to mess with her. [color=blue]"Heh... This could be fun."[/color] He said with a small laugh. Obviously he couldn't hear a thing that was spoken at a normal volume, but maybe she'd hear him. He must have been right given the reaction he'd heard. Unless Sayuri actually... He shook his head. [color=blue][i]Nah.[/i][/color] ----------------------------------- [color=purple]"I'm not so sure about this whole team thing. Or living with... B-boys..."[/color] Rosalia said after she'd closed the door behind her. [color=purple]"I mean... If dad found out... Or... Or what if they try..."[/color] She stopped immediately when she heard Lennox's voice and got into a crouching position. [color=purple]"Whaaaaa!"[/color] She yelped covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. The wolf faunus peaked out of one eye towards Sayuri. [color=purple]"Do you really think I was heard?"[/color] This was going to take some getting used to. And her father could not find out.