[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/No26qu0.png[/img] [b][h2][color=2F4F4F]Masato Saruwatari[/color][/h2] At the Harvest Festival, Confederate[/b] [@Blue Demon][@Savato][/center] [hr] Any relief Masato would have felt at having the kunoichi join his little brigade was quickly vanquished as he took notice of a large amphibian, he was fairly certain it was of the newt family but didn’t have the time to confirm that, bearing down towards his Shieldbearers and the civilians. In addition to the creature another enemy shinobi had made his appearance before them, throwing out a few shuriken from each hand shortly after Masato took notice of him, which were flying towards both him and the accompanying kunoichi. He quickly took a step back, standing beside one of his Shieldbearers, while at the same time flicking one finger on his left hand to the side. As his movement finished the construct he stood beside moved it’s shield to cover his body, protecting him as the shuriken which hit it shortly after it had been moved into position and fell harmlessly to the ground. With the immediate threat taken care of Masato turned his focus back onto the amphibian that was still charging them at a reasonable pace. His lips fell into a momentary frown as he realized that any course of action he could take would place the civilians under his protection at risk. Unable to hesitate for too long he barked out orders. [color=2F4F4F]”Shieldbearers 4, 5, and 6 you are dismissed.”[/color] Following his command the back three constructs disappeared in a puff of smoke while Masato addressed the innocents still in the now half circle. [color=2F4F4F]”As for all of you I suggest you run as fast as you can, find any shelter available. We will hold them off as long as we can.”[/color] As soon as they took off he focused his attention on his hand to confirm it was still bleeding before slamming it into the ground once more. [b][color=2F4F4F]”Assassin, step forward!”[/color][/b] Another burst of white smoke, this time coming from just in front of the three remaining Shieldbearers, followed his words. The smoke cleared quickly and revealed another construct, this one was completely unlike the previous ones as it was thin and covered from head to toe in pitch black clothing. As it appeared it drew it’s tanto from it’s back, spinning it once before waiting for it’s orders which came soon after. [color=2F4F4F]”Assassin, kill or disable.”[/color] Masato’s words were ended with him singling out the amphibian with his right index finger. Without hesitation the construct took off towards it’s target, the speed that it was running at on par with that of an exceptionally fast chuunin. It closed the distance rapidly and began striking out at the amphibian wherever it could reach, typically the legs and throat. Regardless of whether or not a strike landed the construct quickly leapt away after delivering the attack, doing it’s best to stay outside of the creature’s range of attack.