[h1][center][color=007236]Staff Sergeant Hunter Monroe[/color][/Center][/h1] So over the years I have learned there are many ways to get ahead in life, and many ways to completely fuck up your life. TO do either though there is a high chance of doing the other. "[color=007236]Please, I must insist. Call me Staff Sergeant. It sounds more... Powerful.[/color]" I said with a big smile on my face. Though the Captain was right, I should have read through the paper work better. But her excuse of too much to remember works too. And the fact that I am causing laughter to a person that I was pretty sure was going to kill us all earlier I think I did pretty good to get on her good side. Though she was right about he dignity thing, getting killed well the rest of your squad celebrates, only to come back well they point out you are the one who died. That has to suck. But hey, I feel bad for that poor sucker. I was feeling good until she mentioned something about me finding a woman, now was the moment where I could make things either so much better or so much worse. "[color=007236]Well you see, I happen to already have a woman of my own back home. Who happens to not only be pretty and smart enough to pay all of our bills, but she also knows how to throw some...[/color]" What was a good way to put it? "[color=007236]...Pretty intense parties.[/color]"